Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin allows you to seamlessly integrate any kind of custom post type with WooCommerce in your WordPress website.
The WooCommerce Custom Product Plugin offers an effortless solution for managing and selling custom post types with just a few clicks.
Its compatibility with popular plugins and themes ensure flexibility for various needs.
The user-friendly interface allows easy customization and management of personalized products.
By offering unique items that cater to individual preferences, this plugin enhances the e-commerce experience, fostering customer loyalty.

Quickly and easily sell access to pages, posts and custom post types through WooCommerce with Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration.

🏆 Integrate Custom Post Type in WooCommerce

To integrate a custom post type with WooCommerce and display the price and cart button using shortcodes, follow these steps:

Install and activate the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin in your WordPress site.

After activating the plugin, a new menu item called “WC Integration” will appear in the WordPress admin sidebar. Click on it to access the plugin settings.

In the plugin settings page, you will find the option to “Select Post type & Price Meta key.” This is where you will configure the integration for your custom post type.

In the dropdown list, locate and select the desired custom post type that you want to integrate with WooCommerce. This custom post type should already be created in your WordPress site.

Once you have selected the custom post type, you will also need to select the meta key that is related to the price for the selected custom post type. This meta key is the field where the price information is stored for each post.

Save the settings after selecting the custom post type and the price meta key.

Now, you can use the provided shortcodes to display the price and cart button for the custom post type in your WooCommerce shop or any other appropriate location.

To display the price, use the shortcode [cptwooint_price/].
To display the cart button, use the shortcode [cptwooint_cart_button/].
Simply add these shortcodes to the relevant pages, posts, or templates where you want the price and cart button to appear for your custom post type.

By following these steps and using the provided shortcodes, you should be able to integrate a custom post type with WooCommerce and display the price and cart button for your custom posts.

🏆 Screenshots

  1. Integration Settings
  2. Button Style
  3. ShortCode

🏆 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin?

A: The “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin is a WordPress plugin that allows you to integrate a custom post type with WooCommerce. It provides a seamless way to incorporate custom post types into your WooCommerce shop, including displaying prices and adding cart functionality.

Q: Where can I find the plugin settings for “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration”?

A: After activating the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin, a new menu item called “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” will appear in the WordPress admin sidebar. Click on this menu item to access the plugin settings.

Q: How do I integrate a custom post type with WooCommerce using “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration”?

A: To integrate a custom post type with WooCommerce using the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin, follow these steps:

Access the plugin settings by clicking on “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” in the WordPress admin sidebar.
In the plugin settings page, locate the “Select Post type & Price Meta key” option.
Choose the desired custom post type from the dropdown list.
Select the appropriate meta key related to the price for the selected custom post type.
Save the settings.

Q: What are the shortcodes provided by the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin?

A: The “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin provides the following shortcodes:

[cptwooint_price/]: Displays the price for the custom post type.
[cptwooint_cart_button/]: Displays the cart button for the custom post type.

Q: Where can I use the shortcodes to display the price and cart button?

A: You can use the shortcodes [cptwooint_price/] and [cptwooint_cart_button/] in any appropriate location within your WordPress site, such as pages, posts, or templates. Simply add the shortcodes to the desired location, and they will display the price and cart button for your custom post type.

Q: Can I integrate multiple custom post types with WooCommerce using this plugin?

A: Yes, the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin allows you to integrate multiple custom post types with WooCommerce. You can repeat the integration process for each custom post type by selecting the appropriate post type and price meta key in the plugin settings.

Q: Is the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce?

A: The compatibility of the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin with the latest version of WooCommerce may vary. It is always recommended to keep both the plugin and WooCommerce updated to ensure compatibility and avoid any potential issues.


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