Custom Sitemap Generator Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Custom Sitemap Generator Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Custom Sitemap Generator allows you to easily create and manage custom XML sitemaps for your WordPress site. With a modern, user-friendly interface, you can add URLs, generate sitemaps, and view them in a stylish format.

* Easy-to-use interface for adding URLs
* Generates styled XML sitemaps
* Ability to create multiple sitemaps
* Modern design for both admin area and sitemap output
* You can edit and delete the sitemaps


This plugin is created by WPGeared.


  1. screenshot-1: Sitemap Settings page. List of Genearated Sitemaps, Generate New Sitemaps, Edit and Delete sitemaps.

    screenshot-1: Sitemap Settings page. List of Genearated Sitemaps, Generate New Sitemaps, Edit and Delete sitemaps.

  2. screenshot-2: Generated xml sitemap1. Admin interface for generating sitemaps

    screenshot-2: Generated xml sitemap1. Admin interface for generating sitemaps

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