Custom Word Cloud Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The custom word cloud plugin will generate word cloud images based on page
content or the contents of a form POST input named “content”. The cloud is
specified using shortcode tags on the page where the content or form exist.

Example 1

As an example the following entered into a WordPress page will result in a
page with a word cloud image displayed above the paragraph that is a link
map with google searches for each word in the cloud:


We the People  of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.


Example 2

Another example where a user may enter their own paragraph of text and
generate a custom word cloud:

[cwcloud post="true" id="mycloud"]  
<form method="post">  
<textarea cols="40" rows="10" name="content">[cwcpostcontent]</textarea>  
<input type="submit" value="Build Cloud" />

Example 3

An example of a form with attributes set to some custom default settings and
the id attribute is not set so a fresh id will be generated for each user
created word cloud:

[cwcloud post="true" palette="#046, #fe0, #2f2, #82f" width="500" height="250"
<form method="post"><textarea cols="40" rows="10"
<input type="submit" value="Build Cloud" /> [cwcform]


The [cwcloud] tag accepts multiple attributes and there are some custom
shortcode tags that can be used inside the enclosed [cwcloud][/cwcloud] tags:

id – specify an id to use for this word cloud image
i.e. “mycloud”

old_age – number of seconds before old images are removed from the cache (default old age is one week)
i.e. “86400”

seconds_to_live – seconds before the cached image will be redrawn (default seconds to live is 5 seconds)
i.e. “60”

width – width of the cloud image
i.e. “300”

height – height of the cloud image
i.e. “200”

post – set to “true” if data will be posted from a form
i.e. “true”

palette – color palette in web hex codes, minimum of two colors, they can be 3 digit or 6 digit web type hex codes
i.e. #fff, #0ef582, #00f

angle – the angle to tilt each word, “random” or 0 to 360
i.e. “45”

double_angle – randomly flip words to the opposite angle
i.e. “true”

word_limit – maximum number of words in cloud
i.e. “40”

font_file – the ttf font file in the fonts directory to use
i.e. “Dustismo_Roman.ttf”

word_margin – margin around each word in cloud
i.e. “5”

exclude_words – words to exclude from counting
i.e. “this,that,them,you”

charlist – additional characters to accept within words, i.e. accent
i.e. “üöäß”


[cwcloud] [/cwcloud] – must always be used as an enclosed short code

[cwcid] – the id of the cloud image, useful in forms

[cwcform] – provides cloud parameter form elements ready to use in a form

[cwcform_angle] – provides the angle form input element

[cwcform_double_angle] – provides the double_angle form checkbox

[cwcform_font_file] – provides the form font file select

[cwcform_width] – provides the form width input

[cwcform_height] – provides the form height input

[cwcform_word_margin] – provides the word margin input

[cwcform_palette] – provides the form input for the color palette

[cwcform_word_limit] – provides the form input for the word limit

[cwcform_exclude_words] – provides the form input for excluded words

[cwcpostcontent] – provides the posted content, useful for a form textarea

[cwcimage] – provides an tag pointing to the cloud image

[cwcmap] – provides a that maps the image to a google search


The cached images are stored in a subdirectory of the plugin’s directory named

Font files for the cloud are stored in a subdirectory of the plugin’s
directory named fonts.


  1. Word cloud from page content.

    Word cloud from page content.

  2. Word cloud from a form.

    Word cloud from a form.

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