Customize Login Image Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin allows you to customize the image and the appearance of the WordPress Login Screen. You can change: The logo, the link of the logo and the background color.
There are three features we love:
1) If no logo is uploaded, the default WordPress logo is shown.
2) You can upload your own logo in PNG format to the WordPress UPLOADS folder (you just have to name it customize-login-image.png) and if no URL for the logo was set or no logo was uploaded, the plugin looks if this file exists and uses it.
3) You can translate the plugin into your own language. So far English and Spanish translations are included. Just translate the .po file in the /lang/ folder.
4) You can choose if you want to show the server IP and/or server hostname on the login screen.
What can I do with this plugin?
You can upload a custom image for the login screen and specify the link attached to the logo. By default you are redirected to the homepage of your site.
You can also set a custom background color for the login screen. Until version 3.5 you could also add your own CSS now this is not possible following the updated WordPress Plugin Security guidelines.
You can choose if you want to show the server IP and/or server hostname on the login screen. We find this extremly useful when changing the server of a WordPress installation. If you activate both checkboxes you will know inmediately if you are login in on the correct server.
What ideas is this plugin based on?
We had been using the WordPress plugin Customize Admin but we didn’t like that the default logo was the VanderWikj Consultancy logo (vanderwijk.png). This has been causing us problems with customers when updating their sites and this logo displaying on their login screen; because they though that something was wrong with their installation. Another thing we didn’t like about this plugin was the other settings it included; we want a plugin to change the login appearance and only that.
This is why we decided to create a new plugin that doesn’t have the two issues we found while using Customize Admin. Nervertheless it is a freat work from Johan van der Wijk.
Customize Login Image Plugin in your Language!
This first release is avaliable in English and Spanish. In the “lang” folder we have included the necessarry files to translate this plugin.
If you would like the plugin in your language and you’re good at translating, please drop us a line at Contact us.
Further Reading
You can access the description of the plugin in Spanish at: Customize Login Image en español.
For further information please send us an email.
New interface where you can also show IP and/or hostname on login screen.
Example of login screen.
Interface of version 2 and earlier.