DAEXT UberChart Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
UberChart brings the endless customization possibilities included in the Chart.js library to WordPress.
With 240 customization options per chart and 30 options per dataset, this is the ideal plugin for data visualization experts who want to customize every chart detail.
Start now creating perfect HTML-based charts with UberChart!
Pro Version
For professionals, we distribute the Pro Version of UberChart. This upgraded version includes additional features like the ability to link charts with JSON, CSV, XML files, an option to connect charts with spreadsheets available in Google Sheets, better loading performance with the transient API, additional animation options, and more. See this feature comparison for all the details.
A Versatile Chart Plugin
Use this versatile chart plugin in your WordPress site to compare categories, show trends over time, highlight relationships between different variables, and more.
UberChart includes the most common chart types, and it’s the perfect chart plugin to present your data in a visual format that is easy to understand and interpret.
The supported chart types are:
- Line
- Area
- Bar
- Horizontal Bar
- Pie
- Half Pie
- Doughnut
- Half Doughnut
- Radar
- Polar Area
- Scatter
- Bubble
Embedded Spreadsheet Editor
You can add or modify the chart data using an embedded spreadsheet editor implemented with Handsontable (Handsontable CE 6.2.2).
This feature gives you many advantages:
- Faster data editing. (compared to standard chart plugins that use input field)
- The ability to paste data available from other spreadsheet editors like Excel, OpenOffice Calc, Google Sheets, and more.
- The possibility to export the chart data to external spreadsheets.
Live Preview
Easily preview the chart with a single click directly from the chart editor available in the back end.
Optionally include dataset labels to help the user better understand the data. The labels, when clicked, can optionally enable or disable specific datasets.
The chart can optionally display tooltips when the user hovers over specific data points.
You can customize the tooltips in terms of style, with options to control typography, colors, and spacing. Regarding content, with dedicated settings to add titles, prefixes, suffixes, footer information, and more.
Scales Options
This category of options allows you to define the basic configuration of a scale. Specifically, whether to display or not a scale, the position of the scale (Bottom, Top, etc.), the type of scale (the available types are Category, Linear, Logarithmic, and Radial), and whether the scale data are stacked.
Customize the gridlines of the chart with options to configure their colors, the line width, whether to draw them on the chart area, and more.
Customize the title of each scale by using custom font size, font family, font style, font color, and more.
These options allow you to customize the small lines between the axis and the labels (ticks) and the axis labels.
Here you can configure the tick order, the automatic rotation of the tick labels, set a label prefix or suffix, customize the typography of the labels, and more.
Use this section to control advanced options like the number of ticks available in an axis, whether to force a scale to begin at zero, the percentage of space occupied by chart elements like the bar of a bar chart, and more.
This chart plugin supports time scales. Time scales use the date-fns date utility library and support time format expressed with these Unicode Tokens.
Here you can customize the time format for the chart and the tooltips, define the minimum and maximum values of the time scale, and select the unit (E.g. Year, Month, Day, etc.) and the unit step size.
Chart models
The chart options included in UberChart options reflect, for the most part, the options supported by the Chart.js library. However, understanding and using all these options is quite complex, especially at the begging.
For this reason, we have included a feature named “models” to simplify the chart creation process and improve the reusability of the chart.
In general, you can use the models to:
Quickly create the most common types of charts without dealing with the configuration options.
Reuse particularly complex chart configurations.
Reuse chart configurations that reflect the site brand guidelines.
The plugin comes by default with 32 ready-to-use models, but you can create an unlimited number of custom models.
For example, let’s say that your WordPress site includes graphic card reviews, and you want to have bar charts to compare parameters like benchmark results, prices, etc. In that case, you can create a dedicated chart model that allows you to reuse a customized bar chart configuration (with custom bar colors and dimensions, custom typography, etc.) for all your bar charts.
Dataset customization
You can customize each chart dataset based on your specific needs. With the dataset options, you can, for example, specify the colors of a dataset, the line tension, the style of the single data points, and more.
Custom thousands and decimal separator
The charts can show numeric values with custom thousands and decimal separators.
This feature can be helpful to properly format the currency values displayed in the chart based on the specific currency and the targeted audience.
Support for a high number of datasets
The plugin support charts with a maximum of one million data points.
Note that the plugin might automatically decrease this limit based on the PHP configuration.
Maintenance tasks
We have included maintenance tasks to perform special operations like bulk deleting data, resetting the plugin options, and adding the default models.
Size and responsive options
Control the chart’s size and responsive behavior with the dedicated options.
You can, for example, set the size of the chart container, configure a margin for the chart, select whether to maintain or not the chart aspect ratio with mobile devices, and more.
This plugin makes use of the following resources:
- Composer licensed under the MIT License
- Select2 licensed under the MIT License
- Handsontable licensed under the MIT License
- Spectrum licensed under the MIT License
- Chart.js licensed under the MIT License
You can find the actual copy of the license inside the folder used to store the library files.
Spreadsheet editor with chart data
Chart preview
Maintenance tasks
Options menu
UberChart block in post editor
Chart in the WordPress front end