DCO Shortcodes Menu Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
DCO Shortcodes Menu allow you to add all your shortcodes in menu to the editor using a visual interface.
If your shortcode has attributes or work only for certain post types you can set it on shortcode edit page.
Supported attributes: textbox, textarea, dropdown, color picker and custom text to shortcode insert form.
You can use dco_sm_get_shortcodes_field
filter to change field params programmatically, e.g. for dynamically fill dropdown options.
After installation and activation, you can add and setup your shortcodes on Settings -> DCO Shortcodes Menu page.
Shortcodes admin page
Shortcode edit page
Add new/Edit field of shortcode
Shortcodes menu in the editor
Insert shortcode with attributes
Inserted shortcode