Debug Log Admin Viewer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Debug Log Admin Viewer Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Debug log admin viewer is a WordPress plugin designed to make debugging easier by providing a user-friendly interface to manage WordPress debug settings and view debug logs. It allows you to modify debug-related constants in wp-config.php directly from the WordPress admin panel and provides an advanced log viewer with filtering and search capabilities.

Short Description

A WordPress plugin that provides debugging utilities and a powerful debug log admin viewer.


The plugin includes several security measures:
– Automatic backup creation before any wp-config.php modifications.
– Backup files are protected with .htaccess rules.
– Proper file permissions management.
– Nonce verification for all actions.
– Capability checks for administrative functions.


  1. Navigate to Settings > Debug Log Admin Viewer in the WordPress admin panel.
  2. Toggle the debug settings as needed.
  3. View debug logs directly in the admin interface when WP_DEBUG_LOG is enabled.
  4. Use filters and search to find specific log entries.
  5. Copy log entries to clipboard with one click.
  6. Use the “Clear Log File” button to reset the debug.log file.


For support, please create an issue on GitHub.


  1. The admin panel.

    The admin panel.

  2. The log viewer.

    The log viewer.

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