Delete City Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
DeleteCity saves videos from being deleted from YouTube caching a bunch of them on your server, then checking back periodically to see if they have been taken down. When it finds videos that have been removed, it posts them on your blog with a link to the author’s YouTube page. You can tell DeleteCity to use YouTube feeds by keyword to customize which videos you try to save. Devious? Maybe. But also one step in the fight against censorship.
WARNING: The plugin was designed to take advantage of the huge hard drive space/bandwidth allotments of some hosting providers and shouldn’t be used if you are charged for either by the MB.
more info:
Example post made by DeleteCity of 3 videos that were saved from deletion
When a user clicks on one of the thumbnails, the video opens up in a dialog window.
The DeleteCity Settings page. Notice you can set the frequency of the cache process, as well as the posting process. You tell DeleteCity which videos to download by supplying YouTube feed URLs. You can also filter out videos by supplying “Blacklist” words. If these words are found int he title or description of the video, it will be skipped.
Delete City Status page shows all of the videos that have been saved, as well as all of the videos that are currently in the cache. You can manually delete videos from this page.
You can also watch the videos in the status page. It’s fun!