Dintero Checkout For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Dintero Checkout For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Dintero Checkout provides a frictionless checkout experience, offering card payments, invoice, installments and mobile payment solutions.

With this plugin, you can either embed or redirect our checkout in your WooCommerce installation. The plugin lets you capture, cancel, refund or partially refund orders, and adapt the checkout to B2B customers, B2C customers or both. You can also customize payment logo colors and

Getting started

  1. Go to onboarding.dintero.com to sign up for a Dintero account.
  2. Get your payment method application approved by Dintero.
  3. Create your API keys.
  4. Install the plugin on your website.


Dintero Web SDK

The plugin uses Dintero’s Web SDK for embedding the Dintero Checkout. The SDK can be found at https://github.com/Dintero/Dintero.Checkout.Web.SDK, and is licensed with a MIT license.
The SDK follows the same terms as when creating a Dintero account, with its terms of service and privacy policy.


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