Discount Price For Woocommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Discount Price Woocommerce provide you can be give price base on qty for particular product in woocommerce. easy to add rule on Woocommerce qty to make Discount Price Woocommerce.
Discount Rules for woocommerce using with if User Role by change price as if Qty base need to chanage than price will be change in woocommerce
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Plugin Features
- Discount type fixed and Percentage
- Min and Max qty wise discount
- Single Product On show table of discount
- Simple Product As well Variation Product for supported
- Unlimited Qty Rule
- Easy to use
How to add Discount Price For Woocommerce
For adding rule Woocommerce change product price based on quantity For Example:
QTY Price
1 - 10 $20
11 - 50 $18
51 - 100 $12
Woocommerce multiple prices per product as define by Woocommerce Discount Percentage Plugin.
Its showing attractive table on single product page so customer can be attract to purchase product. Its Supporting to Woocommerce discount percentage plugin to give discount qty by percentage also woocommerce show discount percentage plugin table in single product page.
Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing
- For using bulk discount In woocommerce multiple prices per product so single product page on Min and Max QTY range base select price
- Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing Table showing mobile friendly table to Display Product discount/offer percentage woocommerce
Woocommerce Role Based Pricing
- If you want to setup particular role wise discount than you can be setup.
- Ex. Some Wholesaller role for you need to give discount than you can apply conditional discounts for woocommerce for product
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- Woocommerce Product Label
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- Quick View Woocommerce Product
- Variation Table For Woocommerce
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