Double Opt Contact Form 1.2.3 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Automatically, all emails goes to current Blog Admin Email helping Admins adding a precise Safe Harbor compliant, CRM alike
Double Opt Contact Form to User’s profile.
Double Opt Contact Form is compliant with Safe Harbor Double Opt-In rule. That’s the catch of having Double Opt Contact Form
on your WP activated plugins page. On-fly (requires no login nor confirmation) contact us forms are not recommended even if they
have captcha, because of many reasons. Some of those reasons are the following:
You don’t know the sender. It may be even a clever bot or middle man that resolves your captcha.
A reply to him/her/it may be mistaken, because he/she/it, for example, entered a wrong email address.
No Safe Harbor compliance. You shouldn’t (EU Authorities Advice) correspond to someone without a double opt-in
process. Double opt-in process means “email address confirmation” like what happens during
WordPress builtin registration mechanism where the User never logins to his/her profile without
knowing the password sent to his/her email address. That’s a genius problem solution! -
Suppose someone mistakenly received your email, what will happen? (1. Sensitive data may
go to someone dangerous. (2. Jeopardizing your business image. (3. Time and effort consuming
specially when replying again and again explaining why and saying sorry etc.. etc.. -
Contact means knowledge of both parties being on Contact. It is not an anonymous complain
form or some anonymous, on-the-fly, badly nested quick-poll-alike feedback! -
You have a website or a blog to be public and in contact! If someone consumes your time and effort,
he/she should at least register to your blog. That’s a supposed exchange/respect of support.
Let’s say reciprocal support! -
A WordPress builtin login (has a nonce, number-once token) plus our “Send Now!” checkbox besides the
form can avoid repeated and/or spammy emails, so why just a captcha and possible mistaken emails !? -
On-fly contact forms has no “to be saved for later use” CRM alike, Customer Relation Management, feature.
Most on-fly contact forms sends emails directly and never make use of the WP environment and its
available functionality that can easily sanitize the text from unsafe strings.
That’s why most contact us forms other than Double Opt Contact Form can be unnecessary, illegal, or even dangerous.
- Use on your own risk. Use Under GPL. No Guarantee. No Warranty. Use As It Is. (Read GPL2+ License)
[] .Read plugin’s FAQs and Support, too.
Can be found on any User’s Profile including Admins. You could create a demo user to see it lively from a User profile.