Double Opt-In For Download Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The Double Opt-In for download plugin is ideal for building your email list and improving your customer outreach.
You simply upload your free download using the plugin admin interface. Once your file is uploaded, just add the generated shortcode to the pages or posts where you would like to show the sign up form.
When the subscriber signs up to receive your free download an email with a verification link is sent to their email address.
For the subscriber to receive the free download they must click on the link in the email. The link returns the subscriber to your website where
the plugin verifies the information and provides the subscriber with a button to retrieve the download.
A link to your download is never revealed.
The free version of Double OPT-IN For Download comes with all the basic features you need to get your empire started.
- Unlimited number of products you can upload.
- You can offer, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .gif, .pdf, .zip, .doc, .docx, ,mp3 files.
- Subscribers email addresses are verified via a double opt in process.
- Create simple mailing lists.
- Customize your verification email to your subscriber.
- Subscriber can only subscribe once for each product item.
- One click download of email address to a convenient csv file.
- Links to your download are not revealed to your subscribers, keeping them secure.
- Track how many times your products have been downloaded.
- Customizable form text and form button text.
- Customizable Widget Form.
- Customizable Landing Page Button Text.
- Works with Multi-Sites
If your looking for something more, like AJAX forms and integrations with email list services like MailChimp, Constant Contact and AWeber, be sure to check out our Premium Version of Double OPT-IN For Download
Language Support
DOIFD has been translated into the following languages:
- Dutch – nl_NL
- French – fr_FR
- German – de_DE
- Italian – it_IT
- Portuguese (Brazil) – pt_BR
- Spanish – es_ES
- Serbian – sr_RS ( Courtesy of Ogi Djuraskovic at FirstGuide.Com )
Double OPT-IN for Download is designed to “Set it & Forget it”. But with so many different web site configurations out there hiccups are bound to occur.
For fast response on your support needs please post all questions or suggestions to our Support Forum. The Wordpress support forum is checked periodically but we will
be notified every time a support question is posted on our support forum.
This is a screen shot of the registration forms in the 2015 theme, both page/post and widget.
This is a screen shot of the thank you message after a user registers in the 2015 them.
This is a screen shot of the admin options page.
This is a screen shot of the download admin screen.
This is a screen shot of the subscribers admin screen.