Dragon Ecommerce Reserve Plugin Without Online Payment For WordPress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Every company needs an ecommerce plugin to sell products on the WordPress website. This plugin sells your products to website visitors without online payment. This plugin is very easy to use. In WordPress admin page, click setting and click “Dragon Ecommerce Reserve”, you will go to the plugin setting page. Website visitors can reserve your products online without online payment. Then they can go to your store to buy it or use other ways to buy. Database is MySQL.
demo website:
admin page:
Log in WordPress admin page using
Then, go to
click “setting”, click “dragon ecommerce reserve” to set up the admin page.
documentation website:
Platform and Database:
You can run it on any platform: Windows, Mac, Linux.
Database is MySQL. It’s free.
PHP version: PHP 5 >= 5.5.0
Attention: PHP version and WordPress version may have compatibility issues. For example, WordPress 5.4 may not match PHP 8. Check this website for details: https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/references/php-compatibility-and-wordpress-versions/
resize product iamges: imagescale will works for (PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7)
PHP has support for the mysqli extension (to used for prepared statement)
Must use HTTPS, not http. If website use HTTP, tell the website admin – can not use the dragon ecommerce plugin.
Since PHP 5.4 there are constants which can be used by json_encode() to format the json reponse how you want. To remove backslashes use: JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES. Like so: json_encode($response, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
Auto backup database weekly is for WordPress 5.4 and above.
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