Easy Digital Downloads Category Accordion Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Easy Digital Downloads Category Accordion plugin will list “Easy Digital Downloads†categories and subcategories into a toggle accordion with expand /collapse option. our plugin highlight the current parent category, subcategory and It is fully customizable to display categories with 9+ color schemes.
You can you our plugin as a widget or anywhere on your post/page as a shortcode, this plugin provides an easy category navigation to your Easy Digital Downloads powered shop.
Easy Digital Downloads Category Accordion plugin will make an efficient list of the categories of your Downloads(products) and improve the user experience of your Easy Digital Downloads shop.
- Support Toggle and collapsed options.
- Support Click and Hover Event types.
- Highlight or Open a Category by Default.
- 14 fontawesome icons included.
- Option to choose from 9+ color schemes.
- Option to Disable Top level Parent links.
- Option to Disable all Parent categories links.
- Option to choose from 9+ color schemes.
- Sort by ID, Name, Slug options.
- Sort by Ascending, Descending options added.
- Widget Ready and Shortcode Option with tinymce.
- Enable / Disable Downloads count.
- Show / Hide Empty Categories option.
- Excludes category option.
- Support Unilimited Categories and sub categories.
- Control the Accordion Speed.
- Categories sort by and order option.
- Control Category Level/depth Option.
- Control the Accordion Speed.
- Category Level Option.
- Cross Browser compatible.
- Easy to Install and setup.
- Light weight.
- Translation Ready.
Easy Digital Downloads Category Accordion V1.0 (01-06-2016) * Stable Initial Release.