Easy Digital Downloads Digital Signature Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
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Have you set up your page where your customers must sign a contract before they can buy and download the Easy Digital Downloads product you offer? You can make this go easier and smoother by using this plugin so that the contract is taken care of automatically whenever they purchase something. You don’t have to do a single thing.
Gather signatures automatically when customers buy downloads from the EDD online store with the Digital Signature for Easy Digital Downloads plugin and the [WP E-Signature] (https://www.approveme.com/easy-digital-downloads-signature-special/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=easydigitaldownloads) business license.
And, that’s only the beginning. Once your customers sign, here’s what follows:
Both you and the customer gets a PDF copy of their signed contract immediately
There’s no need for an outside website (signatures happen on your site)
You get a 100 percent legally binding signature on file that protect you and the customers, based on the UETA/ESIGN rules)
This Digital Signature add-on transforms your Easy Digital Downloads store into a court-approved document signing application. Best of all, there are no monthly fees and it can be used as many times as you need it to. This is great for people who want to automate their collection of signatures for their various documents:
New client/customer contracts
Terms of service agreements
Waiver forms
So much more
*If customers want to download your product, the Easy Digital Downloads automatically require them to sign a legally binding contract.
“I agree to terms” checkboxes don’t have a lot of legal standing. Therefore, do the right thing for yourself by having a contract that’s legally binding in a court of law.
Change one page of your already-established WordPress website to become a secure document and e-signature application. ApproveMe’s WP E-Signature is a WordPress Contract Plugin that’s free to use with ease and is also legally binding in a court of law.
WP E-Signature has an all-encompassing e-signature first-class add-on library that includes an array of customizable and expandable e-signature automations to give your custom document the enhancement it needs. e-signature automations and third-party integrations
Do the smart thing. Don’t get caught in a courtroom with a document that’s not legally binding.
Strength & flexibility
WP E-Signature was created by way of back and front end WordPress, ensuring an easy-to-use plugin that’s both efficient and robust.
Legally Binding
The courts recognize WP E-Signatures. We are compliant to (UETA) and (ESIGN), making sure to follow even the strictest document signing policy in European unions and the U.S.
Electronic Signature Security and Encryption
Our biggest priority is security. Using a secure encryption, we make sure to keep all signed signatures and documents are keep encrypted and hidden. We also use a signer specific URL. You can force the SSL security when you install the SSL certificate on the WP E-Signature related pages.
Signer Audit Trail & Reporting
Documents are quickly moved from signer to signer. We also offer an in-depth audit report with IP addresses, viewer details, signer history and analytics. You can read all about the security of this report here.
Automation of WordPress Contracts & Document Signing
If you’ve got an Internet business, your customers probably sign an online contract or agreement. A paper agreement isn’t going to do you any good if you have an Internet business and your customers are online. Sure, you could mail or scan a contract to those customers. However, this will cost you both in time and money. This could also cost you business, as they decide to buy from somewhere else.
With WP E-Signature, you can customize the signing process for no fee. It also has array of add-on extensions – Dropbox Sync, Save as PDF and more – so that you can easily computerize and modify the document signing process.
WP Digital E-Signature is designed to work with all WordPress website including its themes. If you need assistance in the installation of the WordPress E-Signature, check out the getting started docs If you want your WordPress Proposals signed, we have everything you need.
Check out the official WP E-Signature Premium add-ons (https://www.approveme.com/wpesign-features/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=easy-digital-downloads), if you want a customized WordPress eSigning integration or an add-on designed to be utilized for all your document signing needs. If any of the integrations you need are not available, give us a holler.
A third-party document signing service will charge you a monthly fee and it forces your customer to make an account on a separate website to get your website’s documents.
e-signature WordPress Features
WP E-Signature has everything you need to ensure you’re covered, regardless of what kind of business you own. Check out the WP E-Signature features on the ApproveMe website.
Since your business is unique, your document signing process needs to also be unique. Pick from any of the e-signature workflows (https://www.approveme.com/wpesign-features/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=easy-digital-downloads) to host on your WordPress website.
Tablet & Smart Phone Friendly
You can uploaded documents through the WordPress dashboard and attain signatures of actual clients through your website with the ApproveMe WP E-Signature (https://www.approveme.com/easy-digital-downloads-signature-special/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=easydigitaldownloads). Users can sign the online documents using their phone, tablet, trackpad and mouse.
No Monthly Fees
WP E-Signature is an affordable way to get the signatures you want online through WordPress. You retain complete control over the information you obtain, never leaving the server. This plug-in was built utterly for WordPress.
Do You Need Support?
In order to better serve you, and to make sure that support tickets don’t get lost, we do our best to provide you with world-class support through our website. There is no support offered on the wordpress.org forum.
In order to start a support ticket, you’ll need to log into your account. We will do everything we can to resolve the issue you have right away. www.approveme.com/support.
If you have questions that don’t pertain to support, we will gladly answer them for you. Just contact us through our contact page (https://approveme.com/letschat/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=easy-digital-downloads).
Get Your Free eBook:
Make sure to get your copy of the e-book 7 Ways to Protect Your Company from Contracts That Aren’t Binding (https://www.approveme.com/free-ebook-digital-e-signature-is-it-legal/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=easy-digital-downloads)
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Additional Info
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Shortcode Includes
[esig-edd-order-details] – Easily attach your customers order details to a document
Give your customers the order details they need in a document. There are many worthwhile PDF features and workflows with the Easy Digital Downloads Digital Signatures.
- A fully automated signature collection process for your small business or freelance
- Signed agreement that can be downloaded from the website as a PDF
- Signed PDF that is syncable with the Dropbox account
- Attached court-recognized PDF that is emailed to both you and your signer
Documents are completely encrypted saved on the WordPress website
You can learn more on the WP E-Signature document security by checking out WP Contract Plugin Security
Free ebook:
7 Ways to Protect Your Company from Contracts That Aren’t Binding
You’ll need a valid WP E-Signature Elite or Lifetime license to utilize Easy Digital Downloads Digital Signature add-on, which you you can purchase at www.approveme.com).
*No monthly fees
*Money back guarantee
*Legally binding
*UETA & ESIGN Compliant
Installation Process Complete!
YOU can save all the signed agreements as a PDF, attach it to an email, automatically sync it with a Dropbox account and so much more. You can choose how this will work.
The only thing you need is a license (https://www.approveme.com/easy-digital-downloads-signature-special/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=easydigitaldownloads) to get the Easy Digital Downloads Digital Signature plugin to ensure it works correctly.
Be sure you get your ApproveMe License right away (as it is required for this add-on to work properly)(https://www.approveme.com/easy-digital-downloads-signature-special/?utm_source=wprepo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=easydigitaldownloads)
Get Your ApproveMe License Now
Try Easy Digital Downloads Signature Demo Here
Add New Document: Once you’ve installed the WP E-Signature, you just need to draft up a new “Stand Alone Document”
Add Document Details: It’s easy to make a Stand Alone Document for your Easy Digital Downloads Digital Signature. You can include the shortcode [esig-edd-order-details] to input order information into the WordPress contract.
Choose WordPress Page: After you’ve entered the contract terms, go to the end of the document. Choose the WordPress page your Easy Digital Downloads customers will be sent to so that they will sign the Stand Alone Document before their order is completed.
Choose Global Settings (optional):You can set up a “Global Agreement” in the Easy Digital Downloads Checkout Settings menu. Every customer needs to sign this for the order to be completed.
Choose Download Settings (optional): Another method is to produce a “Per Download” agreement that is related to just that particular Easy Digital Downloads product.
View Cart:Once a user is ready to “Proceed to Checkout”, they’ll be sent to the legally binding contract to sign.
Sent to Stand Alone Document: This is what your document signing page will show up as. (The document can include your logo and company name using ApproveMe’s Upload Logo and Branding Add-on. These options will be available with the business license.
Enter Personal Information: Easy Digital Downloads customers will need to input their legal name and email address. Once done, they’ll need to activate the digital signature box.
Select a Digital Signature:Signers can choose a typed or digital signature
Agree & eSign:With their e-signature, the customers agree to the terms of the document