Easy Editor Plugin for Wordpress With Emmet - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
New version 2.0.0 is out (19 January 2015)
- 50+ keyboard shortcuts
- Visual Composer Support
- Emmet for HTML & CSS
- Different visual settings
- Search & Replace
- Printing
- Auto Word Wrap
- Auto-Complete
- Auto Beautifier
- History
- Auto Identation
- Auto Tag Closing
- Plugin Auto-Update
- Direct Authors Support
- WordPress versions 3.9 and later
- PHP v.5.2 or greater; MySQL v.5.0.15 or greater
Most JavaScript enabled Browsers will make them work without issues.
v2.1.0 - 18 October 2016 WordPress 4.6 support v2.0.0 + Emmet Support for HTML and CSS + Inline CSS Auto-Complete + HTML Toolbar + Speed and performance improvements * Fixed bugs * WordPress 4.1 support * Extended capability up to PHP 5.2 * Removed unused and unstable code and features v1.1.0 + Autocomplete fo style attribute + Auto updates added * Disable Auto BR inside style and script tags * Small fixes v1.0.4 + Added new setting: All pages integration v1.0.3 * Some improvements v1.0.2 * First public version