Easy IContact Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Easy iContact is a plugin designed to make integrating an iContact signup form into your WordPress template.. well.. easy.
Since this is an early beta release, although it has shown to be functional in my tests, it is provided as-is.
At the moment, installation and use instructions are sparse, but they are coming.
Note: You need an iContact account to utilize this plugin. They do have a free trial, and a micro plan that is always free.
Shortcode Options
Shortcode: [easyicontact]
Shortcode optons:
0 == false
1 == true
- confirm_email (1 or 0) default: true (1)
- first_name (1 or 0) default: true (1)
- last_name (1 or 0) default: true (1)
- validation (1 or 0) default: true (1)
- label_type (‘label’ or ‘value’) Create HTML labels or insert the lable as the default value of a field. If value is chosen, upon click, the default value is removed. default: label
- submit_image path/URL – If set to a value other than false, it will be used as the path/URL to a submit button image. Relative paths are relative from the stylesheet_directory. Absolute paths and URLs are used as-is. URLs must begin with “http://” or “https://”. If submit_image is set, submit_text is used as the alt text. Default: false (0)
- submit_text text – Will show on the submit button if submit_image is false. If submit_image is used, submit_text is used as the alt text for submit_image. Default: Sign up!
- callback_function function name – This JavaScript function will be called upon successful submit of the form. It is called immediately after the success message is displayed. Checks to make sure the function is defined.
Example Shortcode:
[easyicontact confirm_email=’0′ last_name=’0′ ‘submit_text=’Sign me up!’ label_type=’value’ ]
Why use this plugin?
When using the code as it comes from iContact, the user is directed away from your website. This allows you to have 100% control over the visual feeling and messaging the user sees. Also, by using asynchronous form submission, the process is quick and seamless to the end user.
Other Information
Known issues, feature requests, bug reporting
Visit https://github.com/mcfadden/Easy-iContact—WordPress-plugin/issues to view known issues, submit feature requests, and bug reports.
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