Easy Sermon Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Many churches struggle with the technical expertise to upload sermons onto their websites. Easy Sermon solves that problem by making it really simple to upload sermons from within the Wordpress backend. It creates its own page where sermons will be archived and then allows you to enter all the details for each sermon.
Because each sermon is created as a special kind of Wordpress page, it is easy to display recent sermons on the front page of your website or elsewhere by putting a few simple lines of code into your theme. The goal of Easy Sermon is to be as helpful as possible whilst keeping life simple for you.
Easy Sermon is offered entirely for free for you to do what you like with it. I give a substantial amount of time to developing it and making sure it is as easy. However, it is also my job as a way of paying my way through studying theology at University and hopefully becoming a pastor. Therefore, if you have benefited from Easy Sermon, I urge you to support my studies and future vocation by donating generously and helping me pay my bills – even something as small as 40 dollars, 30 pounds or 35 euros will make a huge difference. Thank you for prayfully considering this.
Requires WordPress 3.3 and PHP 5.
Current features
* Upload sermons onto your Wordpress website
* Associate sermons with specific authors
* Categorise sermons to allow for different sermon series
* Customise themes to perfectly integrate into your website.
* Creates a podcast-ready RSS feed for importing into programs like iTunes
Coming soon
* Allow inclusion of Bible verses
If you have suggestions for a new add-on, feel free to email me at david@dodifferent.org.uk.
Want regular updates? Follow me on Twitter! http://twitter.com/davidbunce
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