WordPress Testimonial Plugin – Webriti - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WordPress Testimonial Plugin is an easy-to-use plugin that works out of the box for beginners, allowing users to add Testimonials to the sidebar, Page or Post using the shortcode. Testimonials can include testimonial author image.
- Show list of testimonials in Pages, Posts, Sidebar and Custom Post Types.
- Show Random Testimonials to Your Pages, Posts and Sidebar
- Add Slider Testimonials.
- Able To Use Multiple Testimonial Themes on the Same Page!
- Responsive Testimonials
- Testimonial can have Author Name, Rating, Author Image, Review, Designation, Email and date.
- Category support allowing you for showing Testimonials from a specfic category in various forms like Random, Grid, Layout etc etc
- Custom css box
- Easy-to-use interface
- 4 predefined Testimonials skin.
Leave your Testimonial Stand Out by adding Author Image
Author Image can greatly increase the impact of your Testimonial. Plugin automatically fetches Testimonials Author Gravatar, if email-id is sepecified, if not, than you will get default Gravatar. You can also upload custom author image.
Show Testimonials in various Layouts
Use various layouts offered by the plugin. You can add Testimonials in the form of slider, grid and list.
Nice Looking Default Skins
WordPress Testimonial Plugin provides you 4 beautifully designed skins by default. Refer the screenshots for getting closer look.
List of Shortcodes
- Single Testimonial [wbr-single-testimonial]
- Random Testimonials [wbr-random-testimonials]
- List of Testimonials [wbr-list-testimonials]
- Testimonial Slider [wbr-slider-testimonials]
- Testimonials Grid [wbr-grid-testimonials]
All the shortcodes supports number of attributes which makes this plugin very flexible. Find the details related to shortcode attributes in the Plugins Dashboard.
Default Theme.
Default Lite Theme
Default Dark Theme
Default Shadow Theme
This is the Slider View Layout.
This is the General Settings Page.
Fetured Image Settings.
Testimonial Button Settings
Slider Settings
Theme Settings