Easy Website Form Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Easy Website Form Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The Easy Website Form plugin facilitates the effortless integration of forms created using the Easy Website Form Builder third-party service into your WordPress website. With this plugin, you can streamline the process of collecting data from your website visitors by embedding forms directly into your WordPress pages or posts. Simply configure the plugin with your Easy Website Form Builder API key, and you’ll be able to fetch and display forms with ease. Enhance the functionality of your WordPress site by adding beautifully designed forms created with Easy Website Form Builder, all while ensuring a seamless user experience. Simplify form management and data collection on your website with the Easy Website Form plugin.

Configuration / External Services

Before using the Easy Website Form plugin, you need to configure it with your Easy Website Form Builder API key. Follow these steps:
1. Sign up or log in to your Easy Website Form Builder account(https://apps.easywebsiteform.com).
2. Obtain your API key from the account settings or API section(https://apps.easywebsiteform.com/api-key).
3. In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Easy Website Form > API Setup.
4. Enter your API key in the designated field.
5. Save the settings.


Once the plugin is installed and configured, you can easily embed forms created with the Easy Website Form Builder into your WordPress pages or posts using shortcodes/Elementor Widget Called ‘Easy Website Form’. Here’s how to do it:

1. Navigate to Easy Website Form > All Forms
2. Copy the shortcode provided by the Easy Website Form Plugin for the form you want to embed.
3. Paste the shortcode into the content area of your WordPress page or post where you want the form to appear.
4. Save or update the page/post.
5. The form will now be displayed on the frontend of your website for visitors to fill out.<h3>Privacy and Data Handling</h3>

We prioritize the privacy and security of your data. The Easy Website Form plugin securely communicates with the Easy Website Form Builder API to fetch and display forms on your WordPress website. No user data is stored or processed by the plugin itself. For more information on how your data is handled, please check https://www.easywebsiteform.com/privacy-policy/.

Support and Feedback

If you encounter any issues with the Easy Website Form plugin or have any questions or feedback, we’re here to help! Feel free to reach out to our support team at [admin@seoidaho.com] or through our website https://www.easywebsiteform.com/contact-us/.

We appreciate your support and hope you find the Easy Website Form plugin helpful for seamlessly integrating forms into your WordPress site!


  1. All Register Forms screenshot-1.png

    All Register Forms screenshot-1.png

  2. API Setup Page     screenshot-2.png1. Installation

    API Setup Page screenshot-2.png1. Installation

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