EDD Category Discount Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

EDD Category Discount Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Well Documented

EDD Category Discount plugin allows you to manage discounts for your EDD store. It is important that you strategically create rules for the discount offers. In addition, things get complicated when you have multiple products and you want to offer discounts based on multiple parameters. EDD Category Discount plugin offers well-defined solutions to help you set the discount rules for your store.


  • Allows you to create endless discount rules.
  • Create discount rules based on following criteria :-
    • Discount based on User Role.
    • Discount on specific day.
    • Discount for specific duration.
  • Allows you to add multiple discount rules to product and add priority, using EDD drag and drop feature, for the discounts getting applied.
  • Create Custom Discounts on product basis.

Discount rules:

Please find some of the possible discount rules as below screenshot.

EDD Category Discount - 1

Plugin Setup:

We know that you don’t know the plugin as good as we know and you have a lot of questions in your head such as how much time will the basic setup take and so on. It is also a bit tedious to set up the plugin by referring the documentation. Hence, we have created a
step by step plugin setup tutorial
, which will guide you through the basic setup and will also show the expected user behavior.


Please check the Documentation of the plugin to learn how to use the plugin.

EDD Category Discount

You can create discount rules from “EDD Category Discount” Category as of screen-shot :-

Discount Category

Product level Settings

You can either choose existing discount rule, created from “Ultimate Discounts” or create new discount rule on download page as of below screen-shot :-
Product Settings

Download Page

After applying discount to Download, you will see discount on download page as of below screen-shot :-
Product Settings

Checkout Page

Discount data will also be shown on on checkout page as of below screen-shot :-
Product Settings

Purchase Confirmation

After purchase, discount will be shown on Purchase Confirmation page as of below screen-shot :-
Product Settings

Purchase history

Discount data will also be shown on EDD Purchase history page, in back-end, as of below screen-shot :-
Product Settings


Need help? Please be sure to read the Documentation. If you’re still stuck you can email us on contact@wildprogrammers.com for any pre-sale inquiry.

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Discount Category

Change Log:

= Version 1.0.0 (2018-01-01) =

* [*] Initial Release

Reviews & Comments