EDD Checkout Wizard Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin requires Easy Digital Downloads.
Once activated, EDD Checkout Wizard will add a form wizard to your checkout page with some features:
- Customer can only pass to the next tab if the form is correctly completed
- Forces to scroll to the bottom of the screen to click the next button
- Possibility to navigate to previously validated tabs
- Checks changes from payment method selection
Current tabs distribution:
- Overview: Displays cart and recommended products (if EDD Recommended Products is active)
- Payment Method: Displays available payment methods, if there is only one or none, then this tab is removed
- Account: Displays login/register form or the account information
- Billing Address: Displays billing address information and EU VAT information (if EDD VAT is active)
- Payment: Last tab with cart total and purchase button
EDD Checkout Wizard has support for this third-party plugins:
- EDD Recommended Products
If you want support for any plugin you can send to me an email at rubengcdev@gmail.com.
There’s a GIT repository too if you want to contribute a patch.