Edit Author Slug Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin allows full control of your user permalinks, allowing you to change both the author base (the ‘/author/’ portion of the author URLs), and the author slug (defaults to the username of the author). You can set the author base globally, or you can set it to be user-specific based on a user’s role. You now have the power to craft the perfect URL structure for you Author pages.
WordPress default structure http://example.com/author/username/.
Edit Author Slug allows for http://example.com/ninja/master-ninja/.
Using a role-based author base would allow for http://example.com/ida/master-splinter/ (for an Administrator Role), or http://example.com/koga/leonardo/ (for a Subscriber Role).
Development of this plugin takes place on GitHub. Pull requests are always welcome!
Translations should be submitted to Translate WordPress.