Edit Post Scripts Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Adds JavaScript and CSS editors to admin posts screen allowing you to easily author scripts and styles which will be added to the front end of your site.
Keeps your site running efficiently by adding CSS and JavaScript targeted for specific pages only. Great way to target scripts and styles for individual posts and pages.
This plugin uses the CodeMirror code editor included in core from WordPress 4.9 and allows you to add beautiful syntax highlighted CSS and JavaScript code to individual posts and pages. The editors also include basic code linting helping you to write clean error free code first time around!
Any CSS and JavaScript code is only added ot the front end for the specific post or page it’s edited on.
Please consider rating this Plugin if you find it useful. It only takes a moment but it’s very much appreciated. 🙂
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Post scripts will be added to the front end for that post only.
Enter scripts and styles for individual posts directly on the post editor screen.