Elephant Datalayer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Elephant Datalayer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The Elephant DataLayer plugin adds DataLayer functionality to your WooCommerce store, enabling you to track e-commerce events and data with tools like Google Tag Manager.

Short Description

The plugin will support woocommerce datalayer events


  • Track e-commerce events such as product views, adds to cart, and purchases
  • Easy installation and configuration


  1. Add your Google Tag Manager or other tracking script to your site’s header.
  2. Install the chrome Datalayer Checker extension

Available Events

The plugin will support only for woocommerce events

  1. page_view
  2. view_item
  3. add_to_cart
  4. view_cart
  5. view_item_list
  6. begin_checkout
  7. purchase


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