Email Posts To Subscribers Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The aim of this plugin is One Time Configuration and Life Time Newsletter to subscribers.
Check official website for live demo
The aim of this plugin is One Time Configuration and Life Time Newsletter to subscribers. This plugin generate a newsletter with the latest available posts in the blog and send to your subscriber. We can easily schedule the newsletter daily, weekly. 10 default templates available with this plugin, also admin can create the templates using visual editor.
This plugin have subscription box and it allows users to publicly subscribe by submitting their email address. You can add subscriptions box to your sidebar (use widget). posts (use short code) and theme file (use PHP code).
Main advantage of the plugin
Do you want to send newsletter daily with list of posts published yesterday? YES, This plugin will do for you.
Do you want to send newsletter automatically on Saturday with list of posts published this week? YES, This plugin will do for you.
Do you want to send notification email whenever new post published in your website? YES, This plugin will do for you.
Do you want to create a HTML newsletter and send manually (Or Schedule) to subscribers? YES, This plugin will do for you.
Plugin Features:
- Subscription box for widget. And short code option for posts and pages.
- Double opt-in and single opt-in facility for subscriber
- Send subscription confirmation mail to user and admin (Optional).
- Unsubscribe link in the newsletter.
- Import/Export email address.
- Support localization or internationalization
- Provide links to schedule cron jobs.
- Options to send newsletter manually.
- Options to schedule auto mail for newsletters
- Options to check newsletter status and when it was viewed.
- Tinymce visual editor for newsletter theme creation.
- Send notification emails to subscribers when new posts are published.
- Google reCAPTCHA option available.
- Throttling mechanism is added to protect spam submission.
- Optionavailable to filter bad word in the submission form.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Q1. What are all the steps to do after plugin activation?
- Q2. How to setup subscription box widget?
- Q3. How to import and export email address to subscriber list?
- Q4. How to create/modify the template?
- Q5. How to add subscription box in posts?
- Q6. How to modify the existing mail (Opt-in mail, Welcome mail, Admin mail) content?
- Q7. How to schedule cron job?
- Q8. Hosting doesnt support cron jobs?
- Q9. How to filter posts category in the newsletter?
- Q10. How to configure number of emails send per day?
- Q11. How to send newsletter manually?
- Q12. Where to check sent mails?
- Q13. Is email not working on Email posts to subscribers wordpress plugin?
- Q14. How to install and activate on multisite installation blogs?
- Q16. How to schedule auto emails in cPanel?
- Q17. How to schedule auto emails in Parallels Plesk?
- Q18.How to Configure and Send notification emails to subscribers when new posts are published?
- Q19. How to Compose & Send static newsletter in this plugin?
- Q20. How to send newsletter daily with list of posts published yesterday?
Front Page. subscription box.
Subscriber management page.
Mail template management page.
Mail configuration management page.
Post notification management page.
Compose newsletter.
Send mail Manually.
Send mail Manually.
Sent mail.
Plugin settings management page.
Plugin settings management page.
Plugin settings management page.
Plugin settings management page.
Plugin settings management page.
Cron details management page.
Roles and capabilities page.