Embed Web Experiences With Live Story Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Embed Web Experiences With Live Story Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Design and publish layouts online and to remote screens in no time.
Craft layouts freely on a blank canvas. Add rich animations, optimize for conversions, and relax: Live Story will handle layout creation and publishing.

Prefer templates? You can build your library and blend it seamlessly with your designs.

External services

The correct Live Story functionings requires the Live Story javascript main script asset to be loaded.
Live Story plugin automatically loads Live Story main script https://assets.livestory.io/dist/livestory-xxxx.min.js where xxxx stands for brand
code set up on plugin configuration.

Official documentation can be found here: https://livestory.nyc/documentation/articles/basic-client-side-integration/#main-script

Live Story services are compliant with Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) regarding the processing of your personal data that we collect when you browse the Site and interact with its services. Detailed infos can be found at https://livestory.nyc/privacy page.

Setup guide

  1. Define this constant inside wp-config.php

    `define('LIVESTORY_BRANDCODE', 'code');```
  2. Clone this repository in the wp-content/plugins directory

  3. Activate it from the admin panel


Add a layout

`[livestory id="xyz" type="layout"]```

Add a destination

`[livestory id="xyz" type="destination"]```

Stores and language

Support for store and language codes is available using the parameters store and lang.

`[livestory id="xyz" type="layout" store="storeid" lang="foo"]```<h3>Example contents shortcodes</h3>

In Live Story plugin settings, set brand code value: demo

Use following shortcodes in WordPress pages:

`[livestory id="66aca2d449fcbc000846e6b7" type="layout"]```

`[livestory id="65ba07376c11e000080a6b7c" type="destination"]```


  1. Live Story plugin settings.

    Live Story plugin settings.

  2. Layout content rendering in page.

    Layout content rendering in page.

  3. Destination content rendering in page.

    Destination content rendering in page.

Reviews & Comments