Embed Youtube Video Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This Plugin provide you options to embed YouTube video on your website with various options. You can set YouTube videos anywhere on your website.
Embed YouTube Video provide you options to set video’s title, related video options, loop options, start and end time, progress bar to show on your website etc.
Embed YouTube Video Plugin provide you options to set multiple video’s list on your site.
After Embed YouTube Video plugin activation you will find the “Embed YouTube Video” menu to set and add YouTube Video’s options.
Also works with WordPress Multisite installs (each blog from the network has it’s own maintenance settings).
Plugin Features
*Set up a specific video title to display on your website
*Options to add your YouTube video url
*Options to enable or disable Autoplay video
*Options to set up video height and width to show on your website
*Options to set up Loop video for repeating a particular video
*Options to enable or disable Video Annotation Text on your website
*Options to set up video full screen view on your website
*Options to enable or disable video captions
*Options to show or hide progress bar of a particular video
*Options to show related videos
*Options to show video title on your website
*Options to set up start and end time of YouTube video to start and end on specific time interval
*Options to set up a specific video to play
*Options to set up video aspect ratio.
*Options to set advanced settings related to YouTube video
You can use shortcodes
[EmbedYoutube id='6']<h3>Here is Template code</h3>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[EmbedYoutube id='6']'); ?>