Enhanced Embed Block For YouTube Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Enhanced Embed Block For YouTube Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

If you care about performance, privacy, and user experience, this block is for you.

This plugin enhances the default YouTube block—including any existing blocks—and changes their behavior to only load the video thumbnail until a visitor chooses to play the video.


  • Load YouTube videos faster (uses the lite-youtube custom-element)
  • Loads videos from nocookie.youtube.com for enhanced privacy
  • Works without JavaScript (shows link to YouTube video instead)
  • No plugin lock-in! Automatically improves all YouTube embeds. Turn it off and the behavior goes back to the WordPress default.

Want more features?

I’m considering building a PRO version with the potential following features:

  • Options to set a custom start and end time
  • Custom thumbnail images for videos
  • Custom aspect ratios for videos
  • Support for YouTube shorts
  • Control whether to load video from nocookie.youtube.com or not
  • Adjust the image quality of the thumbnail
  • Support for playlists, not just single videos
  • Full support for all YouTube query parameters (https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters)
  • Classic Editor / shortcode support
  • Support similar features for Vimeo and other embed sources where possible

If enough people express interest, I’ll build it! Let me know if you’re interested!


This plugin uses the lite-youtube custom-element under the MIT license. Thank you to Paul Irish and Justin Ribiero for their work on that project.


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