Enhanced Publication Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The primary function of the Enhanced Publication plugin is to describe a WordPress site as an OAI-ORE aggregated publication (an enhanced publication). In this structure, we convert WordPress pages into book chapters and use various other plugins to facilitate and describe reference lists, authors and editors, and attachments. These content relationships are then exposed in RDF utilizing the WordPress syndication feed. You can access the aggregation rdf at http://<yoursite>/feed/aggregation-rdf/
For visualizing the content (object) relationships, we employ SURF‘s InContext Visualiser.
The content ontology utilized is based on selected relationships from among a number of standard ontologies. This combination was necessary to describe the full content aggregation of combined book and website content (e.g. an ‘Enhanced Publication’).
The following list of ontologies were used in creating content relationships for a website instance of an edited volume (book) with co-authored book chapters, abstracts, figures, and a reference list. NOTE: our companion plugin, Enhanced BibliPlug integrated with this plugin, such that references in the BibliPlug database are automatically included in the content relationships and exposed in the RDF output.
- RDF: Resource Description Framework Ontology;
- OAI-ORE Vocabulary for Resource Aggregation;
- DCTerms: Dublin Core Metadata Ontology;
- FOAF: Friend of a Friend Ontology;
- FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records Ontology;
- SWAN: Provenance, Authoring and Versioning in scientific discourse Ontology;
- RES: Academic Researchers Ontology;
- BiRO: Bibliographic Reference Ontology;
- FaBiO: FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology;
- PRISM: Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata Ontology;
- ESCAPE-Display: Vocabulary for describing inverse relationship of FOAF.
Enhanced Bibliplug
Though not required, we recommend that you use this plugin with Enhanced bibliplug
for reference management to enrich your chapter content.
CoAuthors Plus
CoAuthors Plus is a great plug to manage multiple authors for a single post (which, in our case, a single chapter). This plugin takes advantage of CoAuthors Plus, and we encourage you use them together.
Included packages
semsol-arc2 version 2011-12-1 for RDF serialization.
InContext Visualiser verion 1.1 for RDF visualization.