Enhancements For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Enhancements For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Stop searching for snippet codes
Replace a Long list of plugins with Enhancements for WooCommerce

If you are a WooCommerce developer, your every day job is to search for snippet codes to improve WooCommerce functionality and follow your client needs, from now you can stop searching, Enhancements for WooCommerce can help you easy improve many aspects of WooCommerce, with ON – OFF functionality, you can enable as may modules as you want.

If you are a simple user that you create you E-Shop by yourself, you can stop searching for plugins that do simple or even complex tasks, Enhancements for WooCommerce will help you avoid a long list of plugins, only by installing our plugin.

Easy to use, clean code, lightweight, super fast.

Our Free Version offers 29 modules
General Modules
1. Catalog Mode and Enquiry Form: Activate catalogue mode for your shop and you can add an enquiry form with a shortcode in every single product page. You will need a shortcode from a form builder plugin like fluent forms.
2. Change Add to Cart Button Text: Change the add to cart button label, this will change the button text in all archive and single product pages
3. Variable Product Price Range Text: Change the variable product price range prefixes. For example (From 10 to 50). Works for archives and single product pages.
4. Change Zero Prices (0.00) to Free or Other:Change the 0.00 price to a text that you prefer. For example, (Free Product).
5. Disable Woo Cart Fragments: Disable the WooCommerce cart fragments only on the HOME PAGE of your site, great choice for speed
6. Disable all Shipping Methods when Free Shipping is Enabled and Keep Local Pickup: Disable all shipping rates except Local pickup when free shipping is available. Used at the cart and checkout pages.
Cart Modules
7. Backorder Notification: Displays a message when at least one product in the cart is on backorder
8. Custom Cart Message: Show a custom message in the cart. For example, a warning to your customers for something, or a general message that applies to all orders.
9. Message on Specific Products: Show a custom message when at least one of the chosen products are in the cart.
10. Display Order Total Weight: Show the order total weight in you cart page
11. Display Stock Availability: Show the stock quantity on each product placed in the cart
12. Message on Empty Cart: Show a custom message when the cart is empty. You can chose also to display some products for example products on sale. Attention this doesn’t effect the standard WooCommerce message of empty cart.
Checkout Modules
13. Add Heading On Checkout Payment Section: Show a custom title on the checkout payment section.
14. Change Checkout Fields Labels: Enabling this you will be able to customize your checkout field labels to meet your business needs.
15. Shipping Heading: Replace the heading of the (Ship to a different address) text.
16. Continue Shopping Message: Show a message and a continue shopping button on the checkout page.
17. Move Email to Top: Move the email field to the top of the checkout form. Crucial if you want to capture emails.
18. Remove Checkout Fields: Choose to remove billing, shipping or order comment fields as you wish.
19. Remove Shipping Form on Local Pickup: Remove the ship to a different address section when local pick up is selected.
20. Rename Place Order Button: Replace the place order button text at checkout page.
21. Rename Place Order on Bacs or COD: Rename the (Place order) button according to the chosen payment method.
Product Archives Modules
22. Message when on backorder: Show a message on the product Add to Cart button when the product is on backorder.
23. Show Units Sold: Show how many units have been sold for every product on the archive pages
Single Product Page Modules
24. Add Back to Category Button: Add a button that leads to the category of the product.
25. Auto Apply a Coupon with a Checkbox: Enable to show your customer a checkbox that will automatically apply a specific coupon code on the single product page. You will have to create a coupon for this to work.
26. Button Text on Backorder: Change the add to cart button text when the product is on backorder.
27. Change Related Products Heading: Change the related products heading and also create a subheading.
28. Display (You Save) Sales Price: Display the amount of savings when there is a sales price
29. Stock Quantity Suffix: Enabling this you will be able to display a suffix of the stock quantity value, for example 15 Pieces in stock

Our Premium Version Comes with 26 modules
You can see the full version here
General Modules
1. Add a Second Stock Location: Create a second stock location for each product. You will find the second stock location when you will edit products. This will decrease the stock quantity automatically when a order is placed.
2. Add Shipping Info to Products: Show shipping info to every product and display it on the single product page and the product archives. On the product edit page, you will see a new field called Shipping Info. There, fill in your info text, for example, (4 – 5 days). The Shipping info is combined with the prefix text below. So if you write the prefix (Estimated delivery), you will get (Estimated Delivery 4- 5 days)
3. Delete Product Images: Delete product images when you permanently delete a product. (This will not work if the product is in the trash, please delete it permanently)
4. Estimated Delivery Dates: Show the estimated days for delivery. After enabling this, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping, and edit the shipping method you like. You will find a new field called (Days to Deliver) where you can use the number of days the order will take to arrive with that shipping method. After that you will see in the cart and in the checkout page that the days were automatically calculated and shows the date of the delivery
5. Display the Amount Saved on Cart and Checkout: Show on the cart and checkout page the amount that was saved if the customer has added one or more on sale products in their cart.
Cart Modules
6. Update cart on quantity selection: Automatically updates the cart when the user chooses a new quantity.
7. Change (Your Cart Is Currently Empty) Text: Show your own message when the cart is empty
8. Empty Cart Button: Creates a button with which the user can empty their cart with one click.
9. Amount Left for Free Shipping: A Notification that displays the amount left for free shipping, according to your WooCommerce settings of free shipping.
10. Minimum Order Amount: Show a message for minimum order amount
Checkout Modules
11. Add a Shipping Phone Field: Adds a new field for the shipping section where customer can add the phone number of the recipient.
12. Replace State Field (Greece): Replaces the ’State’ checkout field with Greek municipalities. This can be expanded for other countries also after request.
13. Fraud Protection: Enabling this you will be able to place 1 or more emails that you want to prevent placing orders on your site, this also empty the cart automatically
14. Product Quantity at Checkout: Place a quantity selector at checkout for each product.
15. Reorder Checkout Fields: Reorder the billing and shipping fields. Use a number as priority so that fields with lower have higher priority.
Product Archives Modules
16. Display A Specific Product Attribute: Display a specific attribute value on the page.
17. Sales Ends timer: Show a sales ends timer in archive pages
18. Display Stock Status: Show the stock status with custom text for each status
Single Product Page Modules
19. Turn Sales Badge to a Countdown: Replace the sales badge with a countdown timer. Products must have a schedule end date.
20. Display Shipping Methods: Enabling this automatically the shipping methods that you have setup will be displayed on the single product page
Thank you Page Modules
21. Place a Survey in Thank you Page: Place a survey form in the Thank you page. You will need a shortcode from a form builder plugin, for example Fluent Forms or Elementor form widget
Admin Dashboard Modules
22. Add to Cart Click Counter: Creates a new product widget which shows how many times a product was added to the cart and its conversion rate.
23. Display Customer Phone and Email: Enable this to display the phone number and the email on the orders table right under the order number
24. Display Stock History: View stock status changes with dates on every product
25. Show Total Orders by Customer: Enabling this the admin will see a column of total orders by that customer
My Account Page Modules
26. Order Again Button: Enable this to add an order again button inside the Orders table on the (My account) page under section orders.

May more will come as the plugins develops further
Grab our deal for early adopters with 50% off Today Click here

Are there any code skills required to use the plugin?

No coding skills are required, in some cases maybe you will need some css skills but even that is not necessary.

What are the differences between free and pro version?

The free version gives you 29 modules to use as you like, the pro version gives you 26 additional modules, total 55 modules to use as you like.

Why should I choose pro version instead of installing free plugins?

You can use as many plugins as you like from WordPress repository, the problem is that every plugin adds additional code that many times is unnecessary, that has impact on your site speed and as you know more plugins less speed, our logic is to give you an All – in – One tool saving you from unnecessary searches, plugins and cost. You can reduce your cost at least 500$.


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