Essential Script Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Essential Script plugin offers you the ability to plug and manage your client-side script, which is an essential part of your website, through a versatile text editor.
For example, through Essential Script interface you can add your banner in one location and configure what code is allowed to display on the Web page.
- Streamlined Option Panel.
- Setup in minutes.
- Uses Codemirror for syntax highlighting.
- You choose where to append/include the script and where to exclude it.
- Support JavaScript/XML/HTML.
- With Widgets.
- Now with support for Shortcodes API!
- New! Include options for async and defer attributes
- Free as in speech.
Sources of this plugin are available both in SVN and Git:
Known issue
- This plugin has known conflict with JetPack Embedded Shortcode. You need to disable Embedded Shortcode if you want to use Essential Script and JetPack together ( See also: Jetpack Shortcode Embeds ).
- Find a reliable solution for uploading and managing script files
- Use CodeMirror addons.
- Improve the user interface.
- Support for reusable components.
- Complete script engine with support for user-genereted content.
Essential Script admin dashboard
Essential Script does use of wp_enqueue_scripts
Essential Script widget