Estate / Shopping Centre / Exhibition ImageMap Configurator Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Present and sell your estate apartments (or properties / exhibition areas, shopping spots etc.) the best way possible. Present clients your area picture, satellite map or visualisation of the building site.
Our configurator allows users to click on the specific building floor and check its floor plan to find out what apartments, properties or other areas you offer.
It is highly customisable!
- Usually such functionality costs 10 times more because it needs to be customised for specific estate/ exhibition project. Thanks to our plugin you can do it yourself on every Wordpress website.
- It can be used even for market, shopping center, expositions, events etc.
- Unlimited number of buildings, floors and apartments.
- Everything really lightweight and prepared for performance, based on Angular.JS library.
- Our plugin uses additional Data Table below the configurator which shows all your apartments. List can be sorted by columns. All columns are selectable and can whole table can be hidden if needed.
- You can add PDF file to every apartment.
- Colours are customisable either, you can prepare your own look of configurator and table too.
- 2 Templates – Classic and Modern and easy system customize them.
- You can add new custom templates thanks to easy template system.
Check our Live Preview, Documentation or contact us if you want to know more. We are ready to help you.
################## Version 1.3 Aug 2019 NEW - Wordpress 5.2 support CHANGE - To prevent configurator blinking before it fully loads - we needed to include AngularJS library and CSS in header of the site. Watch out if you are using minification software. FIX - Modern theme php files connection FIX - Now you can add unlimited number of buildings for Step 1 FIX - Security fixes FIX - Imperial and Metric system fix FIX - Clean debug.log from warnings FIX - Remove console.log from Step 2 ################## Version 1.2 Dec 2018 NEW - Wordpress 5.0 support NEW - New, modern, blue Template. You can select it into Settings / Layout. FIX - Color picker width CHANGE - Icons for sorting datatable into /template folder. FIX - Responsive Steps into Configurator FIX - Column with Apartment Name (First) will be sorted by default instead of second. NEW - Overwrite template systems ################## Version 1.1.5 Oct 2018 FIX - Bug related to disabled / sold floors ################## Version 1.1 Oct 2018 CHANGE - Datatable look for mobile devices FIX - Updating system CHANGE - Another Tooltip look. Now it will be relative to mouse. FIX - Bug for telephone number FIX - Bug for apartment click on Step 2 FIX - For various floors with the same number on Step 1 FIX - Missing availability for translations ################## Version 1.0.3 - Nov 2018 IMPORTANT - NEW - New Database Structure and Options system, You need to set-up everything again. NEW - Column for Phone and Price is separate now FIX - New Options Menu FIX - Right click on Desktop event unlocked ################## Version 1.01 - Sep 2018 FIX - Apartment PDF column fixes FIX - CSS Changes NEW - DataTable responsive design changes NEW - More color options ################## Version 1.0 - Aug 2018 Initial Release