Exclude Posts From Search Results Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
WordPress provides decent search functionality, but what if you don’t allow visitors to access a particular page, post, and custom post types from global search result? The Exclude Posts from Search Results plugin is for you.
This plugin can exclude any singular post you don’t want to reveal in the global search result for your visitors. You can exclude separate words and the whole string(sentence) in bulk from the existing post without concerning SEO performance.
Suppose you want to exclude posts, pages, and custom post types posts from the WordPress site’s global search result. In that case, you have several options, but this plugin provides a simple and reliable way to exclude your requirements without adding a single line of code.
Presently, you can find the three main functionalities for the exclusion operation: operate Search Exclude keywords, Search Exclude posts, and User Roles.
Search Exclude Keywords
If you plan to exclude any single word or complete sentence or both together in bulk, you can use the Search Exclude Keyword for it. Just decide what you would like to exclude from the post, and write it by the comma-separated in the given box.(Note: you can not use this plugin to exclude the special characters like(‘[]{(.)}@#;:$%<^&><!”) ).
Search Exclude Posts
This section only shows the list of excluded posts, pages, and custom post types.
User Roles
This section allows the listed role(authority) to see excluded contents. That means, once you check the role’s checkbox, they all are eligible to see all that you have excluded.
- Easy and secure to operate.
- It is free.
- Just with a single click, you can exclude pages, posts, and custom posts.
- You can exclude a single string, word, or both.
- Plugin shows list of excluded items.
- Admin can grant any individual role(authority) to view all excluded posts.
Plugin Settings
Search Exclude Keywords
Search Exclude Posts
User Roles
Exclude post option in edit post
Exclude post option in quick edit post