Expenses Book Plugin For WordPress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
You want to record your expenses history in a 100% private and 100% safe place? You do not want to use the cloud because it’s not 100% private and 100% safe. We provide you a plugin to give you 100% privacy and 100% safety for your expenses records. You can install this plugin on your website in a company intranet or as your own computer’s localhost. Data is saved in the same MySQL database for your WordPress website.
This expenses book plugin is for you to record your expenses including recurring expenses for future purposes such as tax reporting. It can be related to many different expense types such as Salaries and Wages, Company Management, Meals and Entertainment, and etc. It can be related to a tax rate, a customer, and a recurring expense. It’s comparable to zoho invoice, which is in an internet public website.
By default, this plugin uses Bootstrap (https://getbootstrap.com/) for the formatting. But sometimes you already have your own formatting css files. So you may need to remove these Bootstrap css and javascript files when you use this plugin. If this is the case, you can choose not to use Bootstrap’s css and javascript files by changing the values of USE_BOOTSTRAP_JS and USE_BOOTSTRAP_CSS to no (0) in the constant table.
If you did not find USE_BOOTSTRAP_JS and USE_BOOTSTRAP_CSS in your constant table, please deactivate this plugin and activate it again. Then USE_BOOTSTRAP_JS and USE_BOOTSTRAP_CSS will be automatically added to your constant table.
For this plugin to get your company’s current local date, you must set the timezone value correctly. You can edit the timezone at Dashboard -> Settings -> General -> Timezone -> check if the value has been set correctly.
This plugin has the web accessibility feature for the disabled people to listen to the screen reader. The disabled people just need to press the tab key to access the elements on the page. Then use keyboard to input. Then press the enter key for submit, reset and cancel. To use this feature, you can download and use any screen reader software such as NVDA (for Windows), VoiceOver (for Apple), etc. Most of this kind of software is free to download and use.
This plugin has an access restriction feature. You can give a user access to the landing page by adding the user to the wp_expenseszyx987_users table. You must log in WordPress website to access this plugin’s landing page.
This plugin uses a responsive design. You can use it from your cellphone, tablet, laptop, and PC. The layout will change accordingly.
To create a expenses book landing page, add this plugin root folder template-expenses.php file to your template folder. For example, if you are using theme twentytwenty, then add the template-expenses.php file to this folder: wordpresswp-contentthemestwentytwentytemplates. Then you can create a new page (not a new post) using this template.
Documentation file is in the root folder with the name documentation_expenses.pdf. Please follow the instructions in the file to install this plugin.
Donate URL link:
demo website:
admin page:
Log in WordPress admin page using
Then, go to
to set up the admin page.
Click to access documentation_expenses.pdf
Platform and Database:
You can run it on any platform: Windows, Mac, Linux.
Database is MySQL. It’s free.
PHP version: PHP >= 5.4
Attention: PHP version and WordPress version may have compatibility issues. For example, WordPress 5.4 may not match PHP 8. Check this website for details:
PHP has support for the mysqli extension (to used for prepared statement)
Must use HTTPS, not http. If website use HTTP, tell the website admin – can not use the dragon ecommerce plugin.
Since PHP 5.4 there are constants which can be used by json_encode() to format the json reponse how you want. To remove backslashes use: JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES. Like so: json_encode($response, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);