ExpressCurate Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
ExpressCurate plugin includes:
- RSS feeds and Google alerts importer
- Curation post composer and editor
- SEO optimization
- Keyword analysis and management
- Flexible publishing options
- Curation on-the-go: optional Chrome extension and Android app (both free)
ExpressCurate is an ideal tool for professional bloggers, marketing agencies, and marketing professionals that need to rapidly scale content marketing efforts with limited budgets, time, and resources.
RSS feeds and Google Alerts
- RSS & Google Alerts Importer – bring content from your RSS feeds and Google Alerts directly into ExpressCurate, providing you a convenient starting point.
- Content Notification Emails – receive emails with newly discovered content.
- Top Curation Sources – keep track of your top curation sources.
Curation Post Composer and Editor
- Quickstart button – start a curated post with a single click of a button.
- Prefilled content – ExpressCurate prefills the original content, images, and some web page attributes to provide you with an easy starting point.
- Multi-Source Curation – curate content from one article or multiple sources into a single post.
- Content augmentation – ExpressCurate enables you to add your perspective in the annotation area, pick an image, format the post, decide on the type of link to include, and much more.
- Content Quality Checker – ExpressCurate checks key quality attributes, such as article length, percentage of curated vs. unique content, keyword and image utilization, and more.
SEO Optimization
- SEO Essentials – add all key SEO elements into your post from a single page. These components include adding a meta title and description, categories, keywords, customizing URLs, and more.
- Post Analysis – analyze your post for duplicate content, optimal length, optimal keyword utilization, usage of graphics, and other elements necessary for creating a high-quality post.
- Sitemap Rules – Create sitemap update rules based on your business and content model by defining sitemap update frequency, new page/post priorities, and other attributes.
Keyword Analysis and Management
- Keyword Center – A centralized area where you can monitor keyword utilization in your blog, manage target keywords, and discover/add new ones based on the most frequently used words in your blog.
Flexible Publishing Options
- Publishing Options – ExpressCurate provides you with flexibility to publish your curated post immediately, schedule it for a later time, or smart-publish automatically based on time intervals specified by you.
Curation On-The-Go
- Chrome Web Browser – use the ExpressCurate Chrome Extension to discover content, bookmark articles for future curation, as well as curate and create posts on the go without having to go to WordPress to create a post draft.
- Android App – use ExpressCurate Android app on your smartphone or tablet to discover content and create curated posts more quickly.
How To Get Started
Download ExpressCurate plugin for WordPress.
You can also download a free ExpressCurate WordPress theme. It will give your curated content a modern online news look.
Curate Content Button. Curate Content quickstart button is available for posts and pages. Dialog will open to curate and edit content from original posts.
Curation Dialog: Original Page. Type the original article URL and load the content. Have image and content automatically summarized and prefilled for you.
Curation Dialog: Fields. Fixed structure for a curated post. You can edit title, image, content, and add annotation.
Curation Dialog: Prefilled Content. Load the original post. Title, image and content will be prefilled and ready for editing.
Curation Dialog: Content Suggestions. Original page metadata as well as text paragraphs are available for curation. Add one or more item into your content.
Curation Dialog: Curate Into Post. Edit your content and curate into the post.
Styling boxes. Annotation as well as left, right and center aligned text boxes. These elements allow to give more structure to your blog post.
SEO Control Center. Enter key page attributes and SEO enhancements from a single page. It is recommended to have the short description always defined.
Customization. Customize the plugin with 10+ settings.
Top Curated Websites. Visit the top curated websites and pages.
Summary-at-a-glance of keywords usage in your Wordpress blog.
Keywords Dashboard. This is a centralized place where you can add and manage your target keywords, as well as monitor key stats for optimizing SEO performance.
Keywords Dashboard: Enter your target keywords and ExpressCurate will calculate their usage stats, so you can decide which keywords are underutilized, overused, or just right.
Keywords Dashboard: A shortcut for creating a post with an emphasis on a specific keyword.
Keywords Dashboard: Color coding to identify how optimal your keyword is used.
Keywords Dashboard: Most frequently used words (not keywords) in your blog or site.
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