Fast Etsy Listings Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Use Fast Etsy Listings to integrate WordPress with Etsy. Quickly display up-to-date Etsy Listings, Shop info and reviews on your WordPress blog.
Promote items from your Etsy store.
Fast Etsy Listings is actively maintained to ensure continued support for the latest Etsy API updates, including the latest Etsy API v3.
- Display single listings or a grid of search results from Etsy
- Show feedback ratings and comments from your Etsy shop
- Slideshow presentation or ‘load more’ buttons for continuous scrolling
- Simple to use Blocks with live preview to arrange Etsy listings in the WordPress Block Editor
- Easy UI to add Etsy search shortcodes in Classic Editor
- Show items from your shop, other shop, or items specific to a post’s author
- Filter results by category, price range, location etc.
- Items are shown with thumbnail size and aspect ratio of your choice
- Full item details can be shown: price, location, description etc
- Deferred loading and inbuilt caching of listing for faster page loads
→ More details and documentation can be found at
Fast Etsy Listings is well maintained and is kept up to date with the latest Etsy API changes. You will be supported for many more years.
You can get support, help, or assistance in using Fast Etsy Listings in a number of ways:
I’ll endeavor to follow up as soon as I can and resolve any issues you’re having.
Utilize either easy-to-use Blocks in the Block Editor or visual editors for Classic Editor shortcodes, no need for you to type any shortcodes manually.
The key Blocks / Shortcodes you can add to your pages are:
Etsy Shop Listings
Presents listings from your Etsy Shop. You can also narrow down items to display by entering a search query.
The display of the results can be tailored into a grid with dimensions of your choosing and optionally as a slideshow.
If any parameters are left blank, defaults from the plugin setting will be used.
Etsy Search
Presents a list of Etsy listings, based on given search criteria. You can narrow down items to display by entering a search query, a category, country and min/max prices.
The display of the results can be tailored into a grid with dimensions of your choosing and optionally as a slideshow.
If any parameters are left blank, defaults from the plugin setting will be used.
Etsy Single Listing
Present details of a single Etsy listing. Simply enter the Etsy listing ID of the product to display.
For reference, if you wish to manually enter shortcodes in the Classic Editor text view, you can find the syntax and details of shortcode parameters supported here.
Terms & Conditions
By using this plugin you must abide by the Etsy code of conduct. Including, but not limited to:
- Promote Etsy items alongside unacceptable topics, e.g. sexually explicit material, violence, weapons, illegal goods, and discriminatory or hate-orientated content.
Fast Etsy Listings reserves the right to block usage for non-complying sites.
Screenshot 1. How to configure Fast Etsy Listings and setup defaults
Screenshot 2. Slideshow of Etsy Shop listings
Screenshot 3. A single Etsy listing.
Screenshot 4. Live preview of Etsy listings in the WordPress Block Editor
Screenshot 5. Easy UI to add Etsy listing shortcodes in the WordPress Classic Editor