Featured Images For Categories Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Featured Images for Categories will add WordPress Featured Images to both categories & tags. You can easily assign an image to each category or tag and then display a gallery style block of images via a widget or shortcode.
Check out the video here for a quick summary on how the plugin works.
(NB. Two Pro features are also shown in this video: custom taxonomies and support of registered image sizes).
The plugin has a comprehensive documentation page located here: http://helpforwp.com/plugins/featured-images-for-categories/
Work with custom taxonomies?
We also have released a Pro version that supports the following:
- Custom taxonomies
- Additional widget to featured individual terms in a widget area
- Support for all registered image sizes in your WordPress theme
- A PHP function call for developers to access the featured images assigned to a category
- Ability in the shortcodes to specify exactly which categories to display by category ID
More info on the Pro version available here
This screen shot shows the new tool added to the categories and tags interface to assign a featured image
This screen shot shows the widget the plugin provides to show a gallery of featured images in a widget area