Feedburner Counter Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Having trouble trying to find a simple plugin to show the amount of subscribers your FeedBurner account has? Looking for a plugin that will show the amount of subscribers in simple text, without having to go thru countless configuration options? This plugin is for you!
FeedBurner Counter is a simple to install and simple to run plugin. It shows your number without any kind of formatting, so you can add it to your layout or post/page as simple text and format it the way you want to.
Place <?php xc_feedburner_counter('XXXXX'); ?>
in your template where you want the code to be show. Change the XXXXX for your FeedBurner URI ( http://feeds.feedburner.com/XXXXX).
You can also add the shortcode in your post or page:
[feedburner_counter feed="XXXXX"]
This code will show as simple text, so you can put it in a span, div or what-have-you and style it the way you want to.
New in version 0.2:
You can now set the plugin to show the value without a comma (,). In your PHP code, just add a 0 to the end of the function, like so:
<?php xc_feedburner_counter('XXXXX', 0); ?>
In your post or page, just add “number_format=0”, like this:
[feedburner_counter feed="XXXXX" number_format=0]
The number format is optional. The default is returning a formated number (eg: 1,234 instead of 1234).
You can also get the number as a variable in your code, just use the following:
<?php $feedburner_counter = get_xc_feedburner_counter('XXXXX'); ?>
Will return number without formating (eg: 1234 instead of 1,234) so you can use it however you want.
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