Felix User Membership Site Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Felix creates a login & registration membership portal on your site, which easily works with any theme. This allows you to give users the ability
to register, login & manage their profile, while you the Admin have full control regarding what the user can access on the site
Plugin Features:
- Create & manage user membership levels
- Allows users to register, login and view their profile on your site
- Assign users to membership levels
- Restrict access to posts & pages based on the user’s membership level
- Set redirect links for non-authorized users
- Manual & automated registration approval
- Customizable Email automated responders
- SMTP email ( works with Gmail, Mandrill or any other SMTP mail server )
- Suspend users
- Shortcodes that can output login, registration forms and user profile anywhere on your site
- Custom widgets to output the login form and the user profile
- Compatible with any theme
- Drag & drop re-order Membership levels
- Dashboard with data about users and membership levels
- Appealing & professional look & feel
- Fully documented
- 1-click registration & login through LinkedIn
Available Auto-responders:
- Welcome email
- Pending Review email
- Account Approved email
- Account Suspended email
- Password Change email
- Password Reset email
Coming soon:
- Login through social media ( LinkedIn added Dec 9th, 2015 )
- Paid memberships
- Newsletters
- Widget Restrictions
- Custom post type restrictions
Plugin overview – user stats
Setting Page permissions
Single Member profile
Login form
Single Page/Post restriction & redirect settings
Easy to use settings page