Filter Everything — WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Filter Everything PRO is a new professional WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter that allows you to build powerful faceted filtering system for your site.
What the Best filter plugin should be able to do?
- to filter by any possible criteria
- to filter any Post types (products, posts, cars, houses, recipes etc)
- support any kind of filter views (checkboxes, radio buttons, labels list, dropdowns, range)
- to be ready for use on mobile devices
- to work fast
- support AJAX
- and to be compatible with WordPress themes and popular plugins (ACF, WPML etc)
All of this is supported by Filter Everything PRO!
Moreover it also:
- filters on any pages including created with Page builders
- allows you to sort filtered results by any criteria
- allows you to get Search Engine traffic automatically on filtering result pages
- supports pretty URLs like /color-blue/brand-apple/
- supports smart filtering by Woo product variations
- works in “Apply button” and “Autosubmit” modes
- … and others — see full key features list below.
Watch video review from WPTuts
Filter Everything — Best WooCommerce Filter Plugin?
Review of the free limited version available on
Websites that already use Filter Everything PRO
- Demo Filter Everything
- Musical instrument shop
- Custom post type filter
- Big lamp store (6K products)
- (horizontal filter)
- Tires shop (Woodmart theme)
- Jewelry shop1, Jewelry shop2
- Pet Food Shop
- Motorcycle accessories shop
- Customization example
- Your site?
✔ Filters Any WordPress Post type
WooCommerce products, posts, recipes (but not WP Recipe maker yet), cars, real estate objects and so on.
✔ Can be placed on Any WordPress Page
Includnig singular pages created with Page builders like Elementor, Divi builder, Themify, WPBakery, Visual Composer, Oxygen builder, Beaver builder etc
✔ Supports custom WP Queries
You can filter posts related with Any WP Query on a page. Including custom WordPress loops placed directly in theme files.
✔ Filters by Any WordPress parameters
Well for example:
- Price, Sale price or any numeric value from Custom Fields.
- Product rating
- Product Category, Tag or Any custom Product Taxonomy
- Any product Attribute: size, color, length, width, weight etc
- All Product statuses: On Sale, In Stock, Downloadable, Backordered, Featured etc
- Product Type: Variable, Simple, Grouped, External
- Shipping class
- Product Visibility
- Product Brand
- Author
- Any custom WordPress Taxonomy
- Featured image (exists/not exists)
- Product/Post Views count
- Cooking time
- Calories
- …
- Anything you can imagine and put into Taxonomy or Custom Field in WordPress.
✔ Compatible with Page Builders
Tested with Elementor, Divi builder, Themify builder, WP Bakery composer, Oxygen builder, Beaver builder, JetEngine and others
✔ Filters WooCommerce products + Smart filtering by variatons
✔ Separate Sorting dropdown with unlimited sorting options
✔ Step by Step filtering
Allows you to load specific Filter terms in dependency from selection of another Filter
✔ Clean, pretty URLs and Permalinks
For filtering results pages. This allow index them by Search Engines, share, bookmark or so
✔ Arbitrary filters order in URL
E.g. /color-blue/size-large/ or /size-large/color-blue/
✔ Individual Filters Sets for pages or archives
Allows you to create specific filters for different Categories, Tags or any other pages. Thus, you can filter products or posts by relevant parameters only.
✔ Supports filtering values in any languages
Among them Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi etc
✔ Make specific filtering pages available for indexing
By Search Engines and get more visitors to your site by “chunky middle” and “long-tail” keywords.
✔ Individual SEO titles, H1 titles and Meta descriptions
For filtering pages
✔ SEO Rules
That allow you to automatically generate H1 title, SEO title and Meta description for filtering pages.
✔ Compatible with any theme design
Just select the filter’s primary color.
Smart Scroll
Automatic scrolling to the top of the page, if all found products fit on a single page.
Filters search results
Refine you WordPress search with the Filter Everything plugin
Compatible with caching plugins
- Tested with page builders: Elementor, Divi theme and builder, Themify builder, WPBakery, Visual Composer, Oxygen builder. Should be compatible with all other page builders.
- Tested and compatible with WPML plugin.
- Tested with SEO plugins: Yoast SEO, All in One SEO, Rank Math SEO, The SEO Framework, SEOPress and Squirrly SEO.
Filter Everything hit the list of best selling products on CodeCanyon!
Filter Everything was chosen as the Featured Item of the week on CodeCanyon
Filter options
- Filtering criteria
- Filter label
- URL prefix for filter
- Meta key (for filters by Custom Field)
- View [Checkboxes|Radio buttons|Labels list|Dropdown|Range]
- Filter logic [AND|OR]
- Sort terms by [Term name|Post count|Term ID]
- Include/Exclude terms
- Folding [Enabled|Disabled]
- Use for Variations
- Show Hierarchy (for hierarchical taxonomies)
- Search field (to search among terms)
- Parent filter
- Hide until Parent selected
- Enable range slider? [Enabled|Disabled]
- Slider Step (numeric value)
- Tooltip
- Show selected [Enabled|Disabled]
Filter Set options
- Where to filter? (Location – any page, where the Filter Set should work)
- What to filter? (WP Query that should be filtered)
- Empty terms [Never hide|Always hide|Hide in the initial Filter only]
- Show count
- Hide empty Filters
- Individual CSS ID or Class of Posts Container
- «Apply Button» mode
- Apply button label
- Reset button label
- Alternative Location (redirect to results from another page)
- Priority – for pages with two or more Filter Sets
SEO Rules options
- Post type
- Filters combination (Archive page + Filters)
- SEO title
- Meta description
- H1 Title
- SEO Description (SEO text for specific filtering page)
Settings (most important)
- URL prefixes – order and values
- Indexed Filters
- Mobile devices settings
- AJAX settings
- Color scheme
- Smart scroll
- Layout and behavior customizations
There is *.pot file inside the plugin that allows you to translate it in any language.
You can do it with Loco translate plugin or with Poedit desktop software.
Currently it has full translation in Ukrainian and Czech (thanks to
Tomáš Kapler ).
Russian translation was removed from the plugin because of russia’s aggressive war in Ukraine.
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) support
Field types supported and tested for the moment. See example
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Select
- Number
- True/False
Can I filter my Custom Post Types with the plugin?
Yes, sure you can filter any public post types. Independently how they were created – with Custom Post Types plugin or directly in PHP code.
Can I filter by Custom Fields with the plugin?
Yes, sure you can filter by any custom fields. Independently how they were created – with Advanced Custom Fields plugin or directly in PHP code.
Can I filter by Custom Taxonomies with the plugin?
Yes, sure you can filter by any Custom Taxonomy including WooCommerce attributes or created with the CPT UI plugin.
Can I filters post grids created by Page Builder?
Yes, sure you can filter them. Even more you can filter any custom WP Queries directly written in your theme files.
Does the plugin support shortcodes?
Yes, sure. You can place Filter Set, Selcted filters (active filters, chips), Sorting dropdown and button for opening widget anywhere using next shortcodes: [fe_widget], [fe_chips], [fe_sort], [fe_open_button]. Read more about shortcodes.
I don’t see the button that opens the Bottom widget on mobile
On WooCommerce pages it should appears automatically. But on other pages you have to configure do_action() hook to show it.
Read please this manual. This is inconvenient for the moment, but it seems
I will add shortcode for this button in next updates.
The main goal of developing the Filter Everything plugin was to create a professional and ultimate filtering tool for WordPress, which would satisfy the requirements of both – site visitors and site administrators as well as SEO specialists.
That is why when developing the plugin, I researched and took into account the experience of the most popular online stores in the world and implemented it in WordPress. We also talked a lot with the SEO specialists during entire process.
- XML sitemap for indexed filtering result pages IN PROGRESS
- New filters support
- Minor improvements
NEW IN THE LAST UPDATE v1.6.9 from 11 August 2022
- Fixed problem with annoying message about plugin update when new version is the same as current
- Small fixes and improvements
= 1.6.9 = *Release Date - 11 August 2022* * Fix - Fixed problem with annoying message about plugin update when new version is the same as current = 1.6.8 = *Release Date - 10 August 2022* * Dev - Ability to change mobile breakpoint in one code line * Dev - Added Czech translation * Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with the Brizy page builder * Tweak - Changed the Reset button color to inactive = 1.6.7 = *Release Date - 08 August 2022* * Dev - Automatic updates for the PRO version of the plugin * Fix - Fixed Tax and Meta queries for WooCommerce product variations. Some WooCommerce queries have empty 'wc_query' value * Fix - Fixed problem with Post Meta Num terms if they are used for several post types. * Fix - Added translation for the "Select %s first" phrase. * Fix - Fixed color for a filter arrow in dashboard that becomes white with Divi theme. * Fix - Added additional check for the $screen variable to avoid errors on some customized WP dashboards * Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with the Brizy page builder * Fix - Fixed posts count problem with PostMeta and Author filters when they appears on the page twice in different Filer Sets * Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with All In One SEO Pro * Fix - Fixed problem with Select2 script in dashboard * Tweak - Replace makeNoticesDismissible() JS function with common event * Tweak - Added aria-label to select fields = 1.6.5 = *Release Date - 22 May 2022* * Dev - Updated WpManager->customParseRequest(); method for compatibility with WP 6.0 * Fix - Fixed bug with Grouped product prices and Custom Field Num filter * Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with Yoast SEO Premium * Fix - Fixed WP_Queries collecting algorithm to catch all queries = 1.6.4 = *Release Date - 11 April 2022* * Dev - added support SEO Rules for Elementor title widgets * Tweak - added A3 Lazy load support. * Fix - Fixed bug with a filter dropdown in SEO Rule * Fix - Fixed closed current children term * Fix - Fixed bug with Custom Field Num prefix that contains "_" symbol at the beginning = 1.6.3 = *Release Date - 31 March 2022* * Dev - Added Ukrainian translation * Tweak - Added tip tip to inactive greyed filters * Fix - Fixed Sorting widget compatibility problems with Beaver Builder * Fix - Fixed closed current children term * Fix - Fixed notice in FiltersWidget.php when Hide empty filter selected * Fix - Fixed bug with meta value 0 for Custom Field filter = 1.6.2 = * Fix - Fixed widget debug messages = 1.6.1 = * Dev - Added support for the Polylang plugin * Dev - Added "no order" option for the 'Sort terms by' filter field * Tweak - Added hooks to display content in Filters widget * Tweak - Moved bottom controls into separate template to allow users override it * Fix - Fixed small bug with filter prefixes * Fix - Fixed validation for URL prefixes * Fix - Fixed disappeared Pop-up widget on mobile when Apply button + redirect configured = 1.6.0 = *Release Date - 08 February 2022* * Dev - Added Include/Exclude options to a terms list * Dev - Added ability to specify Parent filter to the current that provides step filtering * Tweak - Returned back the term matches to the current WP Queried object. * Tweak - Added support of brand images for Perfect Brands for WooCommerce plugin * Tweak - Improved situation with WPML when Filter Set is not translatable post type * Tweak - Added SQL comment to mark filtered SQL query * Tweak - Added before and after Filters widget actions * Tweak - Improved some option names and translations * Fix - Fixed problem with hidden Range slider filter when terms are 0-0 * Fix - Fixed problem with 'isMetaValueSerialized' method * Fix - Fixed problem with 0 count of parent tax term if it do not contain posts * Fix - Fixed bug with "Hide empty Filters" option when "Empty Terms" has 'inital' value * Fix - Fixed bug with Select2 undefined on some admin pages * Fix - CSS issue with invisible Pop-up mobile widget when Filters widget was added as shortcode * Fix - Fixed bug with port number in form URL for range filter
Full changelog you can find here