Fire Push – WordPress SMS & HTML Web Push Notifications (WooCommerce) - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Send Web Push or SMS Notifications with WordPress
With our plugin you can easily send HTML5 Web Push or SMS notifications with WordPress. Send Live and Background notifications and increase traffic sales and more! WooCommerce is supported too.
New 2024: Upgraded the Firebase FCM to HTTP1
Fire Push Features
- Send SMS or Desktop Notifications when …
- Posts are Published (also Custom Post types)
- Posts are Updated (also Custom Post types)
- Products are Created
- Orders are Created
- Custom Deals or Landing Pages are created
- Product prices dropped
- Products are on Low Stock
- Show a Custom Popup
- Create a Welcome Message
- Customize Notification title, text, icon and link
- Live Notifications (when users are on your site)
- Background Notifications (when users are not on your site)
- Supports WooCommerce
- Well Documentented
- WordPress 4.4+
- PHP 5.6+
- Google Account for Firebase (free)
====== 1.3.7 ====== - NEW: Send notification for WooCommerce order status changes - FIX: Old post sent notification when updated even when "on update" was disabled ====== 1.3.6 ====== - FIX: Scheduled posts do not contain image - FIX: Do not send SMS when disabled ====== 1.3.5 ====== - FIX: Moved updater into weLaunch framework ====== 1.3.4 ====== - NEW: Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework Read more here: This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards - FIX: Query URL issue with appendix fire_push_id ====== 1.3.3 ====== - FIX: Woo new order notifications sent twice ====== 1.3.2 ====== - NEW: Show popup only on defined pages See popup settings ====== 1.3.1 ====== - FIX: Accept not working when SMS disabled ====== 1.3.0 ====== - NEW: SMS sending of notifications via ClickSend Also support WooCommerce customers with billing_phone - FIX: Performance improvements - FIX: Wrong user token & tel caching ====== 1.2.3 ====== - FIX: Data chunks skipped after 1 array element ====== 1.2.2 ====== - FIX: Array chunk had wrong value ====== 1.2.1 ====== - NEW: Another Significant performance increase Notifications will be stored in an own table now Migration Process: 1. Deactivate old plugin, install new and activate new plugin 2. Go to plugin settings > General 3. Click on Migrate notifications 4. Click on migrate notifications until you see "All XX Notifications migrated." - NEW: Added an option to track notification clicks - FIX: Notifications table margin issue - FIX: Failed subscribers were not removed - FIX: Cleared transient cache after removing failed subscribers ====== 1.2.0 ====== - NEW: Significant performance increase All guest tokens now will be stored in a seperate table "wp_fire_push_tokens" Migration process: 1. Deactivate old plugin, install new and activate new plugin 2. Go to plugin settings > General 3. Click on Migrate Guest tokens 4. Click on delete duplicate tokens 5. Click on migrate guest tokens again to see if you get a message with "Guest tokens already migrated" - NEW: New table "wp_fire_push_tokens" makes it easier to also import tokens from other applications - NEW: Custom WP Query DB - NEW: Check exists check now via DB query - NEW: Trnsient gets cleared after new subscribers - FIX: PHP notices ====== 1.1.4 ====== - FIX: Scheduled posts were sent as notification - FIX: Trashed product notification sent ====== 1.1.3 ====== - NEW: Token caching via transients to improve performance You can speficy the time tokens will be cached in plugin settings ====== 1.1.2 ====== - FIX: Bug when on Publish not working ====== 1.1.1 ====== - FIX: Updating / Publishing posts sent die ====== 1.1.0 ====== - NEW: Disabling popup now shows the default browser notification asking for message access - NEW: The close popup icon now trigger decline so that popup will not appear again (close = decline) - FIX: Small Bug Fixes ====== 1.0.8 ====== - FIX: Popup decline issue ====== 1.0.7 ====== - FIX: Popup Responsive ====== 1.0.6 ====== - NEW: Added total count of subscribers - NEW: Use feature image / product image instead of default notification icon - NEW: Remove failed subscribers who have blocked notifications (Settings > General) - FIX: Notifications in backend ordered by date ====== 1.0.5 ====== - NEW: Split large ids into 400 chunk notifications ====== 1.0.4 ====== - NEW: Muliple CURL support - FIX: Performance tweak when too many user ids ====== 1.0.3 ====== - FIX: Notficiations not send out when user roles were empty in backend - FIX: Trashed posts notifications ====== 1.0.2 ====== - NEW: Up to 4 Custom WP Notifications - FIX: Updated WPML Keys - FIX: Small Bug fixes ====== 1.0.1 ====== - FIX: Small Bug fixes ====== 1.0.0 ====== - Inital release