Flagged Content Pro – Let Visitors Report And Flag Posts, Comments And More – WordPress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Flagged Content Pro allows visitors and users to flag, report or provide feedback about posts, pages, comments, custom post types and many other types of content. Many non-WordPress sites use moderation systems allowing users to report broken, inappropriate or questionable content and comments. Flagged Content Pro brings commonly used and very helpful moderator functionality to WordPress.
There are a number of reasons why visitors should be allowed to flag content and communicate issues about your website:
- Posts can have broken links which were missed or information in an article may no longer be relevant
- A page contains dated or inaccuate information. Or, an embed, or other part of the page, is not working correctly
- A comment may contain inappropriate material or a spam comment may have snuck past moderation
- A bbPress reply may be off topic or contains offensive language
- A custom post type is no longer functioning correctly
- Lets your website users feel like they have a voice and that they are essential in helping your site grow
- Reduces the administrative burden and helps to keep content clean and the site working well
Flagged Content Pro automatically adds a button (or link) into the content allowing users to flag that content. Clicking the flag button reveals a form allowing the visitor to detail the reason for reporting the content. The form presented to visitors is customizable and by default contains the following fields: name, email, reason for flagging this content and a brief description. After submission of the form, the flag and reason are made viewable to site administrators.
Compatible with a variety of WordPress content
- WordPress builtin content – Visitors can flag the standard posts, pages, and comments
- Custom post types – Visitors can report custom post types such as those added through Custom Post Type UI
- bbPress topics and replies – Visitors can flag topics and replies under a single topic page
- WooCommerce products and reviews – Products and the reviews within the product can be flagged
- GeoDirectory places and reviews – Places and the reviews can be reported
Flagged Content Pro automatically adds the button into the content for you.
Stylize and Customize
Options are available to style the buttons used by visitors to flag an item. Add an icon, alter the label, change the colors of the button, change the button to a link, choose how it is placed, etc. The form presented to a visitor can capture different information and fields can be made optional or mandatory. The form fields include name, email, reason, and description.
Different forms can be used for different types of content. For example, customize the forms so visitors only need to select a reason for flagging a comment, but must enter a description when flagging a post or page.
Intuitive Backend for Admins
The admin page centralizes and lists all flags submitted for the site. The item that was flagged is shown and and can easily be viewed or edited. Information on the submitter is also included along with a date for easy sorting. Flags come in in pending status, and can be deleted to keep the list of flags page clean and organized, or they can be marked as completed for future reference.
Feature Recap
- Customizable form: Choose whether to display each field in the form and whether it’s a required field.
- Customize messages: Alter the wording on the form to fit your site.
- Flags displayed in backend: Organized and listed in one area. Easy access to the flagged items.
- Limit who can flag: Let everyone flag or restrict it to only logged in users.
- Hide content (pending/unapproved) automatically after it has been flagged a certain number of times
- Email notifications: The plugin can send out email notifications when a visitor submits a flag.
- Customize notifications: The email notifications can have their subject and body customized to include different types of information. A limit can also be placed on how often email notifications are sent.
- Spam protection: Attempts to prevent flagging by bots through several different measures.
- Lightweight: Limits when the plugin code is run to prevent unnecessary processing and script loading.
- Mobile device support: The frontend form shown to visitors is responsive and will change to suit mobile devices.
- Tested in PHP 5.6.40+ and WordPress 4.5.3+. Earlier versions may work with the plugin, but cannot be guaranteed.
Before Purchasing
- Automatic injection and shortcode usage cannot be guaranteed with every theme/plugin. Certain theme hooks and calls are required for automatic injection and shortcode placement. Please reach out to us first through the contact form if you have a custom setup or are concerned about your theme/plugin compatibility.
- The plugin generates a flag button and form which should appear fine with the majority of themes. Otherwise, CSS can be used to adjust the styling and make it work within your theme.
- Multisite is not supported.
- Forms email notification – Added the flag submitter’s email as an option to include in the message
- Settings – Changed a default setting. Added wording.
- Code changes
- Fixed bugs in the admin flags page and ajax submission.
- Form emails – Added additional recipients for emails: author and custom. Author – tries to send an email to the author of post type content. Custom – manually enter a email address the email for the recipient.
- Added css classes for unflagged (flaggedc-form-status-unflagged) and successfully flagged (flaggedc-form-status-flagged) forms to the form containers on the frontend. This will allow for css classes to be used that specifically target the forms depending on whether they have been flagged or not.
- New – Shortcodes have been added as a method to place the flagging button
- New – Added the ability to change the modal type. This can be used to address conflicts with modal/popups loaded through other plugins or the theme. There are two types available to switch between. The option can be found under Settings -> Other -> Modal type.
- Fixed minor display bugs in the Admin’s Edit form and settings screens.
- Code changes
- New feature – Forms can be set to hide content (pending/unapproved) after it has been flagged a certain number of times.
- Admin flags page – Added statuses to appear next to the content. The status will only be shown if the content is not live such as published/approved/etc.
- Bug fixes to the Admin Add/Edit Forms interface
- Bug fix on the admin flags page
- Code changes
- Directory and file changes – added includes folder, renamed files.