Flash Feed Scroll Reader Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Flash Feed Scroll Reader is a Adobe Flash Feed Reader with horizontal scrolling.
You can set one or more feed to fetch. The scroll rendering is in HTML Adobe Flash, so you can edit style.css file for change color, fonts and rendering.
In this version you can set options and call php function:
for show flash scroll feed.
- Single Feed Reader
- Multiple/aggregator Feed Reader
- Customize Adobe Flash Scroll Reader
- Simple and Fast
- English/Italian Localizzation
- Localizzation Italian
- Rev User Interface
param: String to append when the description is cutted, default"[...]"
param: Window target on click feed title link, default"_blank"
* width: Flash movie width. This value can be in pixel or percent
* height: Flash movie height. This value can be in pixel or percent
* feedurl: URL address of feed rss to show
* scrollspeed: Scroll speed in millisecond
* separator: HTML text between feed title
* description: Set to "1" for show description content. "0" for none
* stringcut: If description is set to "1" this is the number of chars to show
* stringcutend: String to append when the description is cutted, default "[...]"
* stylesheet: StyleSheet URL address
* bgcolor: Background color for Flash Movie in #RRGGBB value
* wmode: Window Mode for Flash Movie: Window, Opaque, Transparent
* useaggregator: Set to '1' for use aggregator setting, else '0' default
* target: Window target on click feed title link, default "_blank"
Related Links
For more information on the roadmap for future improvements please e-mail: g.fazioli@saidmade.com
- SimplePie
- Flash Feed Scroll Reader WordPress Plugin use SWFObject (from Google Ajax API) and SimplePie
- Chris for beta testing
- godai for some usefull suggest