FP Foundation Assistant Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Plugin Features
- Supports – Foundation 6 (including Flex Grid and RTL), 5, 4 and 3;
- Includes – 18 Shortcodes (including OwlCarousel shortcode as an alternative to the built-in Orbit Carousel) and Foundation Icon Fonts 3. Both of them have TinyMCE editor buttons.
- Provides an option to specify a time period, to have Foundation loaded on specific posts or pages.
- Provides an option to load custom css file from the active theme folder.
Plugin Shortcodes
The shortcodes for the different versions have the same tags but different features. This means that the main shortcode tags are compatible but different features will be available depending on the version.
FP Foundation Assistant – Shortcodes Documentation
- Grid
- Visibility Classes
- Float Classes
- Tabs
- Accordion
- Orbit Carousel
- OwlCarousel
- Menu
- Nested Menu
- Buttons
- Callout
- Dropdown
- Flex Video
- Interchange
- Label
- Progress
- Reveal
- Tooltip
Foundation Features
- Mobile-first – larger devices will inherit the code for small screens and can be customized as needed;
- Float Grid – responsive 12-column grid with options for offsetting, centering, source ordering and more;
- Layout options – visibility and float classes;
- Containers – accordion, tabs, callout/alert, dropdown, reveal;
- Navigation – menu, pagination, breadcrumbs;
- Media – flex video, labels, carousel, progress bar;
Foundation 6
- Float Grid – the block grid has been merged into the main grid;
- Flexbox-powered grid, as an alternative to the float grid – including extra features as automatic sizing and vertical/horizontal alignment;
- JavaScript – Abide, Accordion Menu, Accordion, Drilldown Menu, Dropdown Menu, Dropdown, Equalizer, Interchange, Magellan, Off-Canvas, Orbit, Reveal, Slider, Sticky, Tabs, Toggler, Tooltip;
- Right-to-Left Support
- Foundation 6 Official Documentation
- Foundation 6 Shortcodes
- Foundation 6 Flex Grid Shortcodes
Foundation 5
- JavaScript – Abide, Accordion, Alerts, Clearing Lightbox, Dropdown, Dropdown Buttons, Equalizer, Interchange, Joyride, Magellan, Off-Canvas, Orbit, Range Sliders, Reveal, Split Buttons, Tabs, Tooltip;
- Foundation 5 Documentation
- Foundation 5 Shortcodes
Foundation 4
- JavaScript – Abide, Accordion, Alerts, Clearing Lightbox, Dropdown, Interchange, Joyride, Magellan, Orbit, Reveal, Tabs, Tooltip;
- Foundation 4 Documentation
- Foundation 4 Shortcodes
Foundation 3
- JavaScript – Accordion, Alerts, Clearing Lightbox, Joyride, Magellan, Orbit, Reveal, Tabs, Tooltip;
- Foundation 3 Documentation
- Foundation 3 Shortcodes
Settings Page
Settings Page
Editor Options
Features – Examples
Features – Examples
Features – Examples
Features – Examples