Free Quotation Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
If you need a quotation or tips extension (plugin) to your WordPress site you find the best idea! This plugin give you full customization to display a lot of important information. You can use Free Quotation not only to display quotes, but also tips or something else. Open your imagination. If you need something additional what can extend this widget – write to me, and give me few hours 🙂
The general idea give you possibility to use widgets (not only one – you can use a lot of widgets). Every one widget can display different group of information, and every one is customizable. It is your choice which information you display.
If you think about quotation – this plugin is perfect for it 🙂 You can add many quotes and decide how often they should be change. For example – you can display tips by day, by weeks, by weekday or use static quotation.
If you don’t have enough time to prepare your own quotation database, you can use Wikiquote (Wikicytaty or other supported version of free quotation systems). The algorithm will display quotation for you. If you need algorithm for specific quotation website in your language which is not supported by this plugin – write to me 😉
What is the best in this plugin? You can use your own quotation list from CSV or add it manually. The first system is automatic, but the second is very easy and intuitive. The calendar and table help you to edit your quotation, or change the day to display.
Finally – the last advantage of this plugin: IS FREE and it will be free for the end of World 🙂
The list of supported quotation systems (if you need more, pleas write to me):
- Wikiquote EN ( – Quote of the day)
- Wikiquote ES ( – Cita del día)
- Wikiquote DE ( – Zitat der Woche)
- Wikicytaty PL ( – Cytat dnia)
- Викицитатник RU (Заглавная_страница – Избранная цитата)
If you want use all time your motto, you can use option “Use one standard quotation” and define this Motto in your ‘FQ settings’ page.
Now display quotations and tips is very easy. If you like this project – pleas give me stars. It’s very nice to see this grades 🙂
Plugin settings page
Free Quotation widget should be located in widget area
This panel help you add new quotation manually (you can use also CSV and add it by special page on the left bar)