Freemius Checkout Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Freemius empowers WordPress plugin/theme developers to sell in minutes, helping them create prosperous subscription based businesses.
With Freemius Checkout you can sell your digital WordPress products from anywhere.
This plugin allows anyone selling WordPress plugins or themes to embed a “Buy Now” button anywhere in your site using a simple WordPress shortcode.
When embedded, the user will see a simple “Buy Now” button on the front-end. Clicking the button will open the checkout popup.
The plugin uses [freemius_checkout] shortcode to embed the “Buy Now” button.
The shortcode is very customizable, to setup a custom product you can use the following attributes:
- name – Your plugin/theme name.
- plugin_id – Your plugin/theme ID on freemius.
- plan_id – The plan you want to promote using the button.
- pricing_id – The plan pricing level.
- public_key – Plugin/theme public key.
- image – The plugin/theme logo URL. Will be displayed in the popup.
- button – The text to display on the button. Default is ‘Buy Now’.
- button_id – The button tag ‘ID’ attribute. Default is ‘purchase’.
- button_class – The button tag ‘Class’ attribute, to add your own styling.
[freemius_checkout name="Press Elements" plugin_id="761" plan_id="1078" pricing_id="928" public_key="pk_fe2850d57f7d4f206aefaa106b91f" button_id="purchase" button="Buy Now"]