Fresh From FriendFeed And Twitter Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Keeps your blog always fresh by regularly adding your latest and greatest content from FriendFeed or Twitter. No external passwords required!
New in 1.1.9
- Now works properly in WordPress 3.0.x
New in 1.1.8
- Now works properly in WordPress 2.8.x
New in 1.1.7
- Admin option to overwrite post title prefix (e.g. to “New From %s” where %s = service)
New in 1.1.x
- Mashup multiple feeds of fresh content from all your FriendFeed and Twitter accounts into your blog.
- Also import content from FriendFeed Rooms and FriendFeed Search and (NEW) Twitter Search.
- Choose to only import content containing your chosen hashtag e.g. #blog which becomes your mechanism to send your micro-blogging content to your blog.
- Digest summary; per service, per user or all together.
- ‘Keep it Fresh’ mode – simply show your latest and greatest content, regularly refreshed. Less is more.
- ‘Keep it Coming’ mode – import content every day and keep it archived in your blog.
More features
- Automatically detects your FriendFeed and Twitter username; simple out-of-the-box install!
- No external passwords are required because only public FriendFeed and Twitter APIs are used.
- Content is imported as regular blog posts which can be easily edited, tagged and kept.
- Content is automatically enhanced in many ways, including Twitpic photos and embedded YouTube videos.
And there’s more…
- Includes SEO links to your FriendFeed, Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. profile pages.
- A magic ‘latest and greatest’ formula is used to work out what to import. If you don’t want to keep an imported post, simply delete it and Fresh From will automatically find some other content.
- Lots of control over how much content is imported; FriendFeed users can also choose how many posts are imported from each of their FriendFeed services (e.g. Flickr, Facebook, etc.)
- External API limits are well respected, and API responses are cached by Fresh From to protect your site against FriendFeed and Twitter downtime.
Note: Fresh From requires WordPress 2.3 or higher, running on PHP4 or PHP5, with CURL.
Fresh From enhances imported content in many ways. Here’s an embedded YouTube video that has been detected, and a thumbnail showing who I’m talking with on FriendFeed.
The Fresh From admin page showing Feeds, Services, Import and Content Enhancement options.