FriendFeed Widget Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

FriendFeed Widget Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

This plugin allows you to add a sidebar widget to your theme where you can show a list of your recent online activity, with the data provided by Friendfeed. To install it, just upload the friendfeed_widget folder to your /wp-content/plugins directory and activate the plugin into the plugins panel. Then, configure the widget into the Presentation / Widgets tab, putting it where you want, and setting up your username and how many entries you want to show. Then you’re done!

Now in spanish!

Este plugin te permite añadir un widget a una barra lateral de tu theme donde puedes mostrar una lista de tu actividad online reciente, con la información obtenida de Friendfeed. Para instalarlo, descomprime la carpeta friendfeed_widget, luego súbela al directorio /wp-content/plugins/ de tu wordpress y actívalo en el panel de control. Luego configura el nombre de usuario y cuántas entradas quieres mostrar en Presentación / Widgets, escoge donde ponerlo, ¡y listo!


  1. friendfeed-widget screenshot 1

    This screenshot shows how the plugin will look once it is enabled.

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