FullBooking – Full Options Appointment Booking And Scheduling Plugin for Wordpress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
FullBooking is a simple yet powerful plugin for accepting online appointments & bookings on your WordPress blog site. No need to use third party appointment booking services, everything can be managed from inside the WordPress admin panel. Provide your clients with Out-of-box Appointment Management Solution.
FullBooking wordpress plugin – How it works (Front end) – video Tutorial
“FullBoking” plugin is make for service professionals like: doctors,teacher, lawyer, consultants, therapists, tutors, instructors, singer, artist, photographers, stylists and others who need to schedule their time and date with clients through online.You can create your appointment schedule in a particular date and time.
Easy Booking
Easy booking appointment with four steps: choose the day of week via calendar and select service, select the suitable time slot and complet your details and finally Pay by paypal and book.
Multi Appointment Calendar
Each staff have own calendar, so if you want to display calendar staff with their appointments and services use this shortcode [FULLBOOKING staff=”code staff”] , and you can get code staff from table list staffs .
If you want to display Apppointment calendar for all staffs use this shortcode [FULLBOOKING]
Recurring Appointment
Admin can recurring appointement daily, weekly, monthly or Particular Dates , and can create appointments at any time.
Google Calendar Sync
Sync Appointments with Google calendar for each staff,New appointments automatically pushed to Google calendar
Accept Payment on Booking ; Accept Full or Partial Payment on Booking
Export Appoitnments and Clients to CSV
Export Appointments And Client by Range
Specify email templates notification & reminder
Allow Admin to customize email notification template for new appointment Added or approved or canceled to staff and admin and client, and customize email reminder template for staff and client
Features Details:
Translation |
Multi-language support via .po/.mo files |
Calendar |
Easy to add calendar appointment in post or page by two way : (example to display calendar staff insert this shortcode [FULLBOOKING staff=”code staff”] , to display global calendar insert this [FULLBOOKING ]) |
Change calendar view Daily – Weekly- Monthly |
Date/day selection |
Change timeslot calendar |
Change first day calendar |
Change day start time and day end time |
Change booking button text |
List of services staff displayed on first modal |
Show / hide price and duration service on List of services staff |
Add new appointment |
Edit appointment From Admin |
Edit booking details From Admin |
Filter Appointments By Date – Status – Payments – Staffs – Services |
Export appointments list to CSV |
Sorting by certain criteria (Booking Time; Staff Member; Customer Name; Service; Status,Payment) |
Delete appointment from the list |
Reccuring Appointment Daily , Monthly , Weekly from Admin |
Accept User/client registration automatic when add appoitment |
Staff members |
Create new staff member |
Delete – Edite staff member |
Staff members Group |
Staff member personal/contact details |
Google calendar integration for each staff member |
Individual service list for each service staff |
Individual schedule for each service staff |
Individual working breaks for each service staff |
Individual ‘Days off’ calendar for each service staff |
Unlimited number of service staffs |
Marking color for each staff |
Create new category |
Delete category |
Edit category title |
Categories arrangement view |
Create new service |
Delete service |
Edit service |
Services arrangement view |
Marking color for each service staff |
Duration for each service staff |
Padding Time for each service staff |
Price for each service staff |
Capacity for each service staff |
Staff members list for each service staff |
Assign service to category |
Accept payment for each service staff |
Customize payment type (full payment or in percentage) for each service staff |
Unlimited number of services |
Customers |
Create a new customer |
Delete customer |
Edit customer data |
View historique Appointments and payments for each customer |
Quick customer search |
Sender’s details |
Notification to customer about (New – canceled – Aproved) appointment details |
Notification to staff member about (New – canceled – Aproved) appointment details |
Notification to admin member about (New – canceled) appointment details |
Notification to customer about their WordPress user login details |
Evening reminder to staff about next appointment (one or two or three) day before |
Evening reminder to customer about next appointment (one or two or three) day before |
Tags/shortcodes support |
Payments |
Payment date range |
Filtering within certain criteria (payment method; customer; service provider; service) |
View payment reports |
Appearance |
Choose from 20 theme Available |
Change instruction text |
Show/hide big calendar |
Show/hide service price |
Show/hide currency |
Coupons |
Setting coupon |
Setting discount percentage |
Delete coupons |
Settings |
Google calendar integration |
Google calendar 2 way sync |
Google calendar 1 way sync |
Currency selection |
Enable/disable coupons |
Payment methods setup |
PayPal payment method |
Enable/disable available payment methods |
Edite Bussines hours for each staff |
Edite Bussines hours |
Holidays calendar |